tu-tu mein-mein: Technology Edition

"Tu-tu mein-mein" could mean anything, ranging from harmless bickering, to a full-blown altercation. An idiomatic translation to English could be "he said, she said". This article is a short reflection of my thoughts, based on a few new things I've heard and seen in the past couple of days, specifically in an online class I… Continue reading tu-tu mein-mein: Technology Edition

Memes: the bads and glads

First, let's get the burning question out of the way. What makes a meme, a meme? I here's a brilliant acronym constructed by Wil Fulton:M - messageE - evolutionM - malleability E - effectAnd whaddaya know! It spells M.E.M.E! "Message: There needs to be a clearly definable, central message or reference that's understood, and relatable… Continue reading Memes: the bads and glads