Self Actualization In Virtual World

Why suicide’s ratio is increasing? The suicide ratio is increasing rapidly world-wide. Students’ problems are not new; but the question in highlights is whether its social pressure, economic problems or educational issues which is causing drastic change in growing numbers. The following realistic data is collected after going through e papers of Pakistan. E-Paper The… Continue reading Self Actualization In Virtual World


A big percentage of Pakistan’s education system is running on same old school principle for more than seven decades now. Since partition, the schooling system has not been reformed until in last recent years. There are various institutes which have adapted the technology and made institutions technologically enable, but the things were not changed completely… Continue reading VIRTUAL KITAAB

Sound…..a morning walk in digital world.

This digital world is under the umbrella of technology and in this race of updating everything we just forgot some of our natural elements which adds beauty in life. Our daily routine during this pandemic situation totally changed. And when I learn some strategies to think and work upon the sounds then I start observing… Continue reading Sound…..a morning walk in digital world.

Art for the People’s Sake

Idea Often struggling artists complain about art opportunities specially working in areas where arts councils or institutions are not established and they claim that no one own them and their artwork they did not know how to get updated about opportunities and its hard for them to get limelight in the community that is occupied… Continue reading Art for the People’s Sake

Robot & Robot…..

Manus is a group of ten industrial robots designed to behave like a pack of animals. They share the same central brain whilst each robot moves independently. They have interconnected habits that spread through the community as people pass by instead of behaving in isolation. This is quite interesting project and innovative as well.… Continue reading Robot & Robot…..

Fresco in the state- A dying craft calls for revival

"Characterization of the motives, symmetrically designed compositions, longevity and the extravagance of decor; evidently observed while watching a hundred year old Fresco works in the mosques, ceilings and walls of the buildings. A craft that we feel proud to share in the state of Pakistan has now started diminishing in the art practices. There is… Continue reading Fresco in the state- A dying craft calls for revival

The journey of Fresco Painting

Fresco painting is the oldest technique of painting. Its roots go deep to the period when homo sapiens were in the survival phase and living in caves. However their objectives were different. Objectivity and subjectivity has been changing from time to time and region to region. The durability of fresco painting can never be challenged… Continue reading The journey of Fresco Painting

Global world seems like a bullet train……

I realized that sometimes living in a global world can destroy our originality. Although everyone is stuck due to pandemic and facing some unusual issues.On the other hand we are so much habitual of online stuff that life seems easier now. although we all are facing challenges especially dealing with online apps of banking sector… Continue reading Global world seems like a bullet train……


Through this blog, which later turns into a far fetched idea, I intend to answer some questions; to myself and to others who might be reading. Have you ever wondered how stories like Snow White have passed down generations in countries where English is not the primary language? My mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, all know… Continue reading KAHANI SUNAO

Self- sustaining waiting area

Initial brainstorming of this design Background: The idea to build comfortable  and energy efficient waiting areas is not new, However, the design I am laying forward is futuristic in its nature that is not only energy efficient and comfortable but it is also a self-sustaining project. I came up with the idea because my Parents… Continue reading Self- sustaining waiting area

Digital Marketing

In class we discussed various websites being developed that market local crafts to international customers. this made me think about the power of digital marketing. many times we had this debate in class that other countries take our products and sell them back to us by naming it differently. Link pink salt is a classic… Continue reading Digital Marketing


I remember I was in Intermediate when I read “Inferno” by Dan Brown and this knowledge dawned unto me that I have a thing for mysteries and history. Before that, I used to consider history boring which is such a cliche as I never bothered to actually look into it. It was just kind of… Continue reading THE OLDEN ECHOES – BYGONE LIVES


INTRODUCTION: We had been looking into the various forms of archiving and their purposes through out our Tools &Technology in Art Education course. Dictionary describes archiving as the process of protecting data that is no longer needed for day to day operations by storing it for future reference. While documentation is the actual data being… Continue reading STORY MAPS OF KARACHI: OLD BAZAARS


When I first heard about the project, I was quite confused in choosing a topic for it. I spent days thinking about it until one day in tools and technology’s class we were discussing our culture and how it is being extinct. From then I decided to do something in my project that protects our… Continue reading THE HIDDEN TREASURES OF MULTAN


MULTAN: The mosaic of diversity: Blue pottery or Kashigari is integral part of Multan’s traditional crafts and has a historical and cultural significance for the City of Saints. CULTURAL HISTORY OF MULTAN: Multan, the cultural centre of southern Punjab famous for its sufi shrines, cotton and sohan halwa, is also a hub for the craft of blue pottery.From… Continue reading THE INDIGENOUS MULTAN(KASHEP PURI)


Love is... Happiness is.... Loss is... These are original reflections. While collecting the above responses, I was amazed to see the thought process developing with age and time. I had forgotten how simple things can be, as they were, when we were younger. How the same thoughts evolve with experience, hurt and healings alter these… Continue reading A DIFFERENT TAKE ON LIFE


Is there any serious relationship between artist and technology? Artists are using technology in their work by different ways. This will change the world faster and force people to think openly. Artist are getting closer to technology. Now a days artists collaborates with technological companies to represent their work using more advance ways like AR… Continue reading ART THROUGH TECHNOLOGY


I worked with almost 15 different sounds like thunder storm, rain, car, engine, door, Music and vocals. All these sounds combine to form a feel of drama. It’s not difficult to mix all these sounds but the real challenge is to maintain the importance of every sound in all scenes with a balance. For this… Continue reading NOW WITH SOUND


In my previous blog I narrated about my experience of getting familiar with ‘The’ sound. I talked about the ‘Art of Foley’ and multiple things that I realized were pretty amazing. I mentioned briefly about my on-going sound project and here in this blog, that is what I’m going to talk about. *DISCLAIMER* I am… Continue reading I GOT TUTORED BY SOUNDS

Intersection of Art and Technology

Art is an expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power it’s a way of communication that has evolved from cave art to the contemporary and from simply facilitating the refinement of modern art, technology now serves… Continue reading Intersection of Art and Technology

Journey of Sounds

Sound is a fundamental element of human life. Its definition is constantly changing, more established as emerging genres are now covered by the umbrella of sound or sonic. Sound is a wave or vibration that travels to three states of matter solid, liquid, gas. Can sound effects be produced using tangible materials? of course ,yes… Continue reading Journey of Sounds

Living in a digital life Another amazing project names BuffaloGrid, a mobile power and internet for next Billion. It has been introduced in Northern India. Here when we talk about next Billion, then there comes a lingo. What is a lingo? A lingo is an adaptive language of particular discipline. Even when we talk about visual art, certainly there… Continue reading Living in a digital life


The current Paramountcy of technology and our dependency on gadgets has led us to a new onerous confront that what will be the future of the one who is the creator of technology. The excessive use of technology and our dependency on it has led us to the situation where we feel that there is… Continue reading #NotABugSplat

Mapping the unseen

Sound is a kind of energy and it needs a medium to travel. It cant travel where there is no medium. On earth they travel by using air as a medium. Where there is no air there is no sound. However there are certain bodies which also help sound waves to travel i.e. metallic wire.… Continue reading Mapping the unseen

My Life as an outsider

Robots are creation of 21st century. However after many years common people still afraid of it due to certain reason that might be valid too. Robots are extensively used in factories and production line to perform the repetitive tasks and grading. Robots are considered good in performing such tasks where human becomes tired or get… Continue reading My Life as an outsider

“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” … Meet Graham Well i believe strong mode of communication is a blessing that we can convey a strong message to the people around. When there is a meaningful and thought provoking advertisements are made then we feel strong changes as well. In today's class learnt about amazing Meet Graham , the only person the… Continue reading “The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” …

Audiophile- Dance of Sounds

In the last session of Tools and Technology class, we explored the deep connection of sound with arts. It was an eye opener for me as I never deliberated on sound as an inspiration for arts or even more; being arts itself. Learning more about this concept, the beauty of sound revealed itself on me.… Continue reading Audiophile- Dance of Sounds

After darkness there is always light-Project Sound

Sound piece: Nida Ahmad Hashmi · Extract of "A poem for 2020" Looking at the difficult current scenarios, we as educators are finding ways to communicate the message of positivism. The idea of recording narration of few stanzas came to my mind when i was thinking that during conducting a lesson, there is a need… Continue reading After darkness there is always light-Project Sound

Stripping down sound

today’s hottest emotive medium is so abstract it can’t be seen or touched.Alyssa Buffenstein - artnet news We experience the world around us through the five senses. Our body receives, recognizes and interprets a multitude of stimuli simultaneously. That's how we are able to make sense of surroundings and situations. When it comes to communication,… Continue reading Stripping down sound

Cognitive Mobility

Technology has embedded in our lives, combining it with sustainability for the betterment of our lives can save our planet. The principles of sustainability are the foundations of what this concept represents. Therefore, sustainability is made up of three pillars economy, society, and the environment. These principles are also informally used as profit, people and planet. The use of the term "technology" has… Continue reading Cognitive Mobility

“An amazing app for a video maker”

28 June 2020 In our second last class of tools and technology, we learnt about editing videos and putting music behind them. In today’s blog, I m going to share some amazing apps and tricks on how to edit a video. And believe me, they will turn out spectacular like a pro! There are millions… Continue reading “An amazing app for a video maker”

A Dream Land

Well the term sustainable was something amazing for me. I was eager to inquire more about sustainable architecture. Everyone wants such kind of buildings where there is more natural and green effect. What is meaning of sustainability, well Sustainable architecture is architecture that seeks to reduce the negative environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the… Continue reading A Dream Land

Design solutions with data visualization- A radical methodology towards sustainable future!

"Everything is designed. Few things are designed well." -- Brian Reed, front-end developer and musician. Undoubtedly, technology is an extension of human curiosity and the role of Artificial Intelligence is also evident .Learning about the immense use of graphical representation of information and data as described " Data Visualization", made me wonder about the forthcoming… Continue reading Design solutions with data visualization- A radical methodology towards sustainable future!

Are you a Robo?

Mimus Robot. Fine, they empathize, but they are still, not made of mitti and that scares me to death. Rapid advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence are making robotic systems smarter and more adaptable than ever—but these advancements also inherently weaken direct human control and relevance to autonomous machines. As such, robotic manufacturing, despite… Continue reading Are you a Robo?

Textile Hybrids

I always considered Textiles as a very organic field. The main reason for this thought was the way I was trained as a textile designer. My alma mater believed in being true to mother earth, close to nature, and doing things by hand. Our teachings revolved around and mostly concentrated on natural materials, natural dyes,… Continue reading Textile Hybrids

Human – Centered Designs;Reinvention through Hybrid and Technology

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” –Steve Jobs Interactive designs are a digital playground of music, sound and moving image. However, the purpose of human centered designs with technology should not tangle with any potentially harmful event. One can not deny the fact that till… Continue reading Human – Centered Designs;Reinvention through Hybrid and Technology

میری آواز ہی پہچان ہے

میری آواز ہی پہچان ہے قدرت کی صناعی میں کیا خوب کاریگری ہے آواز۔کبھی اپنے گردو پیش میں محسوس کریں،کتنی ہی طرح کی آوازیں ہمیں گھیرے ہوئے ہیں۔صبحِ صادق میں پرندوں کی پھڑپھڑاہٹ اور چہچہاہٹ سے لے کر ناشتے کی میز پر بجتے برتنوں کا شور ،سکول،دفتر یا کاروبار پر جاتی موٹر کاروں،رکشوں اور بسوں… Continue reading میری آواز ہی پہچان ہے

Music, Science and Arts- Sound Journal

This blog is dedicated to learners! Sound is everywhere, as long as one is able to hear and recognize the environment through audio senses. This article is somehow very special to me as going back in my childhood and talking about the evident memories that my mother tells me, one is that I started responding… Continue reading Music, Science and Arts- Sound Journal

Sound as technology:The future of connectivity.

So far for me technology always play a role of curiosity for coming up innovative tools for humans.Many industries have been using sound for decades, such as medical imaging where ultrasound is used to observe internal body organs. The greatest power of sound is that it can travel where light and sight cannot. Oil and… Continue reading Sound as technology:The future of connectivity.

The Art of Foley –

“How are sounds recorded in the films?” I can’t accentuate this any more than saying that since always, I wanted to find out the answer to this question. How do they record these perfect, distortion free and smooth sounds in films? But it goes without saying that often we just fail to acquire answers for… Continue reading The Art of Foley –

My Dream car :The Ferrari”Lets go to Ferrari exhibition in Museum London After today’s lesson I believe that it was a unique experience to learn about the features of Ferrari.  This urged me to investigate more about it. “Ferrari” called under the skin at The Design Museum (London) an exhibition opened at London's Design Museum celebrating 70 years of Ferrari design, from the brand's first vehicle; to the Formula One… Continue reading My Dream car :The Ferrari”Lets go to Ferrari exhibition in Museum London

Memory + Emotions= Inspiration

When we generally talk about Art, we usually discuss, what does it mean?, where does it come from? what is it for? etc, we usually dont reach a definite answer. For me, Art is an expression, feeling, a medium or a way of communicating thoughts, ideas and emotions. This communication can be with thyself at… Continue reading Memory + Emotions= Inspiration

Sound: A Teaching Tool.

Sound.  How would one describe sound? Scientifically it is the vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. It is also the main stimulation for one of our major senses namely hearing.  But is that all what it is important for? Why… Continue reading Sound: A Teaching Tool.

Sounds good to me…

how the new knowledge of sound production sounded to me ,sjdhgsqrgfylerfbjmbefjehjhdbgjhevd, sounds gibberish right? but it sounds good to me. This means that I am in a state of mind where I am unaware of something and that is my chance to learn something new. In today's class of Tools & Technology in Art Education,… Continue reading Sounds good to me…

Gordon Young’s Amazing Masterpieces

June,26,2020 Finally, it was our last class of tools and technology and we made new memories during those two weeks, well I will never forget those days. We learned mostly about modern designers and their works like fibre market by Christien Miendertsma, room store by  Hussien Chalayan, Sajjad Ahmad and Basir Mehmood. However, Gordon Young’s… Continue reading Gordon Young’s Amazing Masterpieces

MoonShot thinking…… and then plan for its fulfillment or implementation.

After searching a lot of projects done by individuals, groups or organizations, I came to this final thought that there is a strong subject behind all these works for development or improvisation of mankind and waste things like sustainable materials. Buffalogrid- a north Indian project of internet and battery charging availability for next billions. This… Continue reading MoonShot thinking…… and then plan for its fulfillment or implementation.

Traditional Crafts….Fight for survival

Cultural heritage embodied in traditional crafts is an integral part of any country, which reflects the culture and tradition of a region. Although the importance of handicraft has been widely recognized, but still it’s hard to find any literature regarding archiving or preservation of traditional crafts. My aim is to explore and identify issues faced… Continue reading Traditional Crafts….Fight for survival

Untangling threads

Technology in fashion, technological fashion and technology for fashion. I wouldn't call myself someone that follows fashion trends. That being said, I do go to stores and pick out things I like, therefore it is unavoidable to become part of fashion on-goings, and to build preferences. I have favourites that I wear and re-wear, until… Continue reading Untangling threads

The digital Revolution is Marching on and entering every field of life

One of the most beautiful museum I believe Museums, archives, libraries, anthropologists and ethnologists play an invaluable role in preserving the rich cultural heritage of a planet.The word museum has pretty broad meaning which begins from small doll and ends up at wider range to an art gallery, a museum or an exhibition. As we all… Continue reading The digital Revolution is Marching on and entering every field of life

Future Living

Today's lecture about sustainable living describes a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society's use of the earth's natural resources, and one's personal resources. It is often called as "earth harmony living" or "net zero living”. The practice and general philosophy of ecological living closely follows the overall principles of sustainable development. Studied lots of individual and commercial projects about… Continue reading Future Living

Technology and Sustainability- Next Big Thing

"Every design ought to be Sustainable design, meaning something people refuse to trash” Kristina Dryza – Trend Forecaster Now that we are stepping into an entire new digitally transformed world, I am inquiring to find the link between sustainable development, material culture and technological amalgamation to reduce our digitally exhausted environments. In a contemporary global society,… Continue reading Technology and Sustainability- Next Big Thing

The ‘from-home’ approach

For someone who has barely left the house in the past 4 months, I've been surprisingly busy. I see friends and family turning to craft-making, baking and other new activities, but somehow no new time slots have made themselves available to me. There was a time where projects couldn't move forward without 'office meetings' and… Continue reading The ‘from-home’ approach

Build Better Cities

Buildings are a key component of cities. We often hear the term sustainable design to prevent global warming and finding renewable energy sources. In our tools and technology’s class, we have explored and discussed some sustainable structures which were based on how to reduce carbon emissions, cut energy waste, and finding renewable sources. These designs… Continue reading Build Better Cities

UI & UX: Experience Another World

“UI is the saddle, the stirrups, & the reins. UX is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse.” - Dain Miller I am starting from this famous statement by Dain Miller. This line tells us the whole story and importance of UI and UX in our daily life. We are surrounded by… Continue reading UI & UX: Experience Another World

Particularities in Design Thinking – UCD

User-Centered Design – I can’t even remember when I first heard this term but undoubtedly it was during my 4 years of tenure in UET. I belong to a design field and these design terminologies and approaches are familiar to me. But down the road, I have been led to believe that only getting ‘familiar’… Continue reading Particularities in Design Thinking – UCD

The first of its type:

On 28 April 2018 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India had achieved its goal, ahead of schedule, of providing electricity to every village in India. This is one of the greatest achievements in the history of energy.Since 2000 around half a billion people have gained access to electricity in India, with political effort… Continue reading The first of its type:

Design=Problem Solving

Designing is actually problem solving at its very core.  What exactly is the process for problem solving? Take any situation and observe it keenly and identify the problem. That is step one. Step two is understanding the cause of the problem and then address the cause rather than the symptoms. Because addressing the symptoms is… Continue reading Design=Problem Solving

Because there is no planet B

In mid 1800s highline was constructed in between the city of New York to operate the freight trains for industrial areas. It went well at the at that particular time and initially it wasn’t elevated line. Due to curtail the accident rates the line was elevated in 1933. However during 1960-80s the structure was obsolete… Continue reading Because there is no planet B

Design Thinking

20 years ago, an Aha! moment in my life was when I understood the meaning of the word 'design'. My memory of the class, my instructor, the environment is a total blurr now but the striking understanding , after which for years everything made sense to me was that one statement which defined the word… Continue reading Design Thinking

The future of the past: evolution of design

"Design is the intermediary between information and understanding." -- Hans Hoffman, artist and teacher With the evolution of human thinking process and understanding of surroundings, design of every thing has evolved whether it be the tools used by nomad people, wheels or housing structures. One such design evolution was exhibited by 'the Design Museum' ,… Continue reading The future of the past: evolution of design

Designing Spaces

Zaha Hadid British Iraqi Architect 1950-2016 My interest in the field of architecture surprised me when I was in the 1st year of my art school National College of Arts. During my foundation year classes, I remember starting my work with the seal and then using my drafting skills to complete my tasks with pride.… Continue reading Designing Spaces

The Doll Village

June 20, 2020   Today we studied the survey auto and how it has developed an advanced platform to collect reliable data from the field, how the e-ilaj system works in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. Also about the women digital league how they are providing digital services to clients through Pakistani women, how agha khan hospital solved its problem… Continue reading The Doll Village


Google LLC is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine. Google was founded in September 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. Google professional women emoji: OLLI The first self-driving bus: Olli… Continue reading DESIGN CASE

“Internet is there in areas where there’s even no electricity”

These words were spoken by Sir Aarish when he was showing us different case studies regarding technological advancements in the world. And although I wanted to ask him this question there and then that why bother investing millions in providing internet services to the remote area when most of them won’t even know how to… Continue reading “Internet is there in areas where there’s even no electricity”

Lending a small helping hand can do wonders

June,20,2020 Today we learned new concepts about telecommunication that how Airtel has provided internet without electricity in a village of India, SCEWO an amazing wheelchair that has the ability of self-balancing and stair climbing, and also an enormous installation called as “not a bug splat” in which there’s a huge portrait facing upwards, in a… Continue reading Lending a small helping hand can do wonders

Moonshot Thinking

Thinking Out of the Box The statement above clearly means, the ability to think beyond the regular boundaries of imagination. This now takes me years behind, to an era of which we are a product of. Our schooling system, which gave us the content knowledge of the book but didnt give us enough room to… Continue reading Moonshot Thinking

EDUCATION:Through Technology

Through technology one can educate the public. As if we see the cannes  award winning advertisement Meet Graham of 2017. The advertisement warns fast drivers about car accidents. The company commissions for a sculpture name Graham . the project was design to alarm fast drivers to understand the importance of road scene. It redesigns human… Continue reading EDUCATION:Through Technology

tu-tu mein-mein: Technology Edition

"Tu-tu mein-mein" could mean anything, ranging from harmless bickering, to a full-blown altercation. An idiomatic translation to English could be "he said, she said". This article is a short reflection of my thoughts, based on a few new things I've heard and seen in the past couple of days, specifically in an online class I… Continue reading tu-tu mein-mein: Technology Edition


“Intelligence is in the head not in the age” azerbijani proverb. Would like to start the debate with this proverb. Humans are behaving smartly in todays world. Once the journey is long but successful. In the journey of development we loose some aspects and win some. Men build hug buildings by destroying beautiful landscapes. We… Continue reading “INTELLIGENCE IS IN THE HEAD NOT IN THE AGE”

Human centered design

What is Design Thinking? Design Thinking is a methodology that provides a solution-based approach to solve problems. Its focusing on understanding the user perspective, with a human-centered point of view. We will see the difference between two ways of solution-based thinking Analysis and Synthetics. A successful project you've completed. The exact case study format can… Continue reading Human centered design

Finding the ‘US’ in Sustain

What is sustainability “Sustainability is an approach to design and development that focuses on environmental, social, and financial factors that are often never addressed.” — Nathan Shedroff Sustainability focuses on efficient and effective solutions that are better for society, the environment, and companies via effectively using natural resources, and reducing waste and toxins in the environment.… Continue reading Finding the ‘US’ in Sustain

Can we truly be sustainable?

While discussing sustainable projects in class we saw a brand called Ecoalf that is producing garments made from recycled materials like fishing nets and coffee grounds. One of my fellow classmates asked a very relevant question; Why are we recycling coffee grounds when they are biodegradable? This sparked an interest in my mind and I… Continue reading Can we truly be sustainable?

Getting the moon for you

June,18,2020 Today we explored a lot of new things in tools and technology class. We discussed sustainable future in which we were introduced with the term sustainable designs. Yasmeen Lari, Pakistan’s first female architect and provider of the disaster relief shelters. Mrs.Fan’s Plugin house, which can be easily assembled, and worlds first ink made out… Continue reading Getting the moon for you

Biodegradability Is Not Enough?!

We are slowly, but surely, becoming a single global society, as communication gets easier and more and more information is at our fingertips. "Global warming", "ozone layer", "pollution", "recycle". These seemed like buzzwords I learnt in my social studies class in school, but are beginning to bear more meaning, as time passes by. Up until… Continue reading Biodegradability Is Not Enough?!

oral history projects

What is archiving? An archive is a collection of data moved to a repository for backup, to keep separate for compliance reasons or for moving off primary storage media. It can include a simple list of files or files organized under a directory or catalog structure (depending on how a particular program supports archiving. TOPIC 5: sustainability: Sustainability… Continue reading oral history projects

Holding the vision

Book illustration as we now know it evolved from early European woodblock printing. In the early 15th century, playing cards were created using block printing, which was the first use of prints in a sequenced and logical order. "The first known European block printings with a communications function were devotional prints of saints."                                                                                                           … Continue reading Holding the vision

Let’s talk Humans, Sustainability and Technology

What is sustainability?  If you look up the word in a dictionary it says:   ‘The ability to be maintained at a certain level or rate.’ This is the original meaning.  The new modified version is :  ‘The avoidance of depletion of natural resources to maintain an ecological balance’. Here we are talking about sustainability in… Continue reading Let’s talk Humans, Sustainability and Technology

Ferrari Aur Technology

OLD ROBOTS ARE BECOMING MORE HUMAN AND YOUNG HUMANS ARE BECOMING MORE LIKE ROBOTS. – Lorin Morgan-Richards Design Museum London organized an exhibition for the Ferrari cars lovers named as “Under the skin” in which vintage models to latest models with their different mechanical parts are displayed. This museum also organizes an exhibition with the… Continue reading Ferrari Aur Technology

Sustainable Fashion Sustainable fashion came into the public foray in the late 1980s and early 1990s as well-known companies such as Patagonia and ESPRIT brought "sustainability" into their businesses. The owners of those companies at that time were outdoorsmen and witnessed the environment being degraded by increased use. They commissioned research into the impacts of fibers used in their companies. For… Continue reading Sustainable Fashion

Ferrari “Under the Skin”

Today’s class was an entertaining visual feast for me as I am a car lover. Ferrari exhibition held in London Design Museum in 2017 named  “Under the Skin”. Lots of visuals and videos really brought the exhibit alive along with, of course, some fabulous cars. Design Museum showcases 14 rare sports cars in Ferrari retrospective. Ferrari represents… Continue reading Ferrari “Under the Skin”

Memes: the bads and glads

First, let's get the burning question out of the way. What makes a meme, a meme? I here's a brilliant acronym constructed by Wil Fulton:M - messageE - evolutionM - malleability E - effectAnd whaddaya know! It spells M.E.M.E! "Message: There needs to be a clearly definable, central message or reference that's understood, and relatable… Continue reading Memes: the bads and glads

Visual Feasts

Today’s visit to the digital world made me realize how we can use the Internet for our education rather then fulfilling our visual hunger. Today’s class justifies all the objectives this course has aimed. Before this, the Internet was not so productive to me I used it only for communication watching drama or movie that… Continue reading Visual Feasts

Do you know what memes really are?

The word meme was first used by a  famous biologist Richard Dawkins in his famous book “The selfish Gene” in 1976. He suggested that Ideas could replicate, evolve, and enter popular cultures in a process analogous to the way genes spread. memes are like a “units of culture” which spread through the amalgamation of ideas.… Continue reading Do you know what memes really are?

Let the ‘Meme’ out of the bag : Camouflaged Communication

One thing that I have latched on to after joining this MA AE program is, ‘I AM A COMPLETE IGNORANT PERSON IN TERMS OF COMMUNICATION LANGUAGES’. That’s right; you have read it just right. I mean I always had this fascination for French and Spanish and I had this pre-conceived notion that yes ‘Languages’ are… Continue reading Let the ‘Meme’ out of the bag : Camouflaged Communication

Ferrari: Under the skin

The design museum London is the leading museum in United Kingdom and Europe and was founded in 1989. It was relocated to a modern Landmark in 2016 in Kensington and welcomed 2.1 million visitors since its re-opening. The design museum of London had recently launched an exhibition under the title “Under the skin” in collaboration… Continue reading Ferrari: Under the skin

Memes for a positive change.

Data consumption is an interesting subject.We consume digital data in many forms and ways, but one that we all specifically see and consume about at least 4-5 times a day if not more is Memes! Memes are a relatively newer genre of digital communication. If we compare it to other forms of communication like ads,… Continue reading Memes for a positive change.

Me,Myself and Memes-Experimentation with the latter!

In response to the online class , I have kept on exploring the format in different ways. Here are my few trial and errors. Created during class using an online app "Kapwing" It is funny how we as human beings keep working differently on the outside relating with different environments. We train our body language… Continue reading Me,Myself and Memes-Experimentation with the latter!

Tools and technology

In this course of tools and technologies focus area of exploration is museum architect and galleries exhibitions.The core purpose  of joining this session is to explore and understand the existence and functions of modern museums and architectures as well as technology .The learning purpose of technology is to rapid growth and enhancement of art industries… Continue reading Tools and technology


Understanding Memes When everyone is worried about 'Black Lives Matter', I am sitting here and wondering about 'What are memes?' Created the meme on The truth is, we are give a task to look for it 🙂 In our latest Tools and Technology in Art Education class, we were introduced to the world of… Continue reading @memes

Future of Memes is not Obsolete!

I am in a quest of finding the roots of memes by collecting the notions commonly arrive when looked at a meme, in general. Expression, comment, statement, sarcasm, irony, satire, bizarre, dark, humorous, strategy, opinion, freedom of speech or a stronger medium to connect to a larger number of people and many more . In… Continue reading Future of Memes is not Obsolete!

The untold story about Memes

A meme is a concept or behavior that spreads from person to person The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene as an attempt to explain how ideas replicate, mutate and evolve. This animated book summery helped me to understand the theory of this biologist and it is interesting.  As the Internet evolved, so did memes the concept… Continue reading The untold story about Memes

Have you ever heard about the word “meme”?

"Are you kidding me? who doesn't know about memes? They rule the internet! what type of question is that?" And that would be the reaction of almost everyone of you who is reading this. When talking about memes there is this one picture which comes into our mind , it is used to entertain ourselves,… Continue reading Have you ever heard about the word “meme”?

Photographs That Talk

A picture speaks a thousand words. It is,when the captured images do the talking and break the silence. Sometimes it is the other way around. The noise comes to an end when a very powerful picture starts talking. This is the power of captures... power of photographs!. It is not necessary always that a photograph… Continue reading Photographs That Talk

The Legends of Yesterday

June,13,2020 In yesterday's class of tools and technology, we talked about many topics like Ferrari museum, Zara Habib Architect, The little art organization, truck art, Design Museum London and different cultures of Pakistan. One of the topics that attracted my attention was the cultures of Pakistan and how it is being abandoned by the natives.… Continue reading The Legends of Yesterday