Do you know what memes really are?

The word meme was first used by a  famous biologist Richard Dawkins in his famous book “The selfish Gene” in 1976. He suggested that Ideas could replicate, evolve, and enter popular cultures in a process analogous to the way genes spread. memes are like a “units of culture” which spread through the amalgamation of ideas.… Continue reading Do you know what memes really are?

Let the ‘Meme’ out of the bag : Camouflaged Communication

One thing that I have latched on to after joining this MA AE program is, ‘I AM A COMPLETE IGNORANT PERSON IN TERMS OF COMMUNICATION LANGUAGES’. That’s right; you have read it just right. I mean I always had this fascination for French and Spanish and I had this pre-conceived notion that yes ‘Languages’ are… Continue reading Let the ‘Meme’ out of the bag : Camouflaged Communication

Memes for a positive change.

Data consumption is an interesting subject.We consume digital data in many forms and ways, but one that we all specifically see and consume about at least 4-5 times a day if not more is Memes! Memes are a relatively newer genre of digital communication. If we compare it to other forms of communication like ads,… Continue reading Memes for a positive change.

Me,Myself and Memes-Experimentation with the latter!

In response to the online class , I have kept on exploring the format in different ways. Here are my few trial and errors. Created during class using an online app "Kapwing" It is funny how we as human beings keep working differently on the outside relating with different environments. We train our body language… Continue reading Me,Myself and Memes-Experimentation with the latter!


Understanding Memes When everyone is worried about 'Black Lives Matter', I am sitting here and wondering about 'What are memes?' Created the meme on The truth is, we are give a task to look for it 🙂 In our latest Tools and Technology in Art Education class, we were introduced to the world of… Continue reading @memes