Fresco in the state- A dying craft calls for revival

"Characterization of the motives, symmetrically designed compositions, longevity and the extravagance of decor; evidently observed while watching a hundred year old Fresco works in the mosques, ceilings and walls of the buildings. A craft that we feel proud to share in the state of Pakistan has now started diminishing in the art practices. There is… Continue reading Fresco in the state- A dying craft calls for revival

Design solutions with data visualization- A radical methodology towards sustainable future!

"Everything is designed. Few things are designed well." -- Brian Reed, front-end developer and musician. Undoubtedly, technology is an extension of human curiosity and the role of Artificial Intelligence is also evident .Learning about the immense use of graphical representation of information and data as described " Data Visualization", made me wonder about the forthcoming… Continue reading Design solutions with data visualization- A radical methodology towards sustainable future!

Music, Science and Arts- Sound Journal

This blog is dedicated to learners! Sound is everywhere, as long as one is able to hear and recognize the environment through audio senses. This article is somehow very special to me as going back in my childhood and talking about the evident memories that my mother tells me, one is that I started responding… Continue reading Music, Science and Arts- Sound Journal

Untangling threads

Technology in fashion, technological fashion and technology for fashion. I wouldn't call myself someone that follows fashion trends. That being said, I do go to stores and pick out things I like, therefore it is unavoidable to become part of fashion on-goings, and to build preferences. I have favourites that I wear and re-wear, until… Continue reading Untangling threads

Technology and Sustainability- Next Big Thing

"Every design ought to be Sustainable design, meaning something people refuse to trash” Kristina Dryza – Trend Forecaster Now that we are stepping into an entire new digitally transformed world, I am inquiring to find the link between sustainable development, material culture and technological amalgamation to reduce our digitally exhausted environments. In a contemporary global society,… Continue reading Technology and Sustainability- Next Big Thing

Design=Problem Solving

Designing is actually problem solving at its very core.  What exactly is the process for problem solving? Take any situation and observe it keenly and identify the problem. That is step one. Step two is understanding the cause of the problem and then address the cause rather than the symptoms. Because addressing the symptoms is… Continue reading Design=Problem Solving

Design Thinking

20 years ago, an Aha! moment in my life was when I understood the meaning of the word 'design'. My memory of the class, my instructor, the environment is a total blurr now but the striking understanding , after which for years everything made sense to me was that one statement which defined the word… Continue reading Design Thinking

Designing Spaces

Zaha Hadid British Iraqi Architect 1950-2016 My interest in the field of architecture surprised me when I was in the 1st year of my art school National College of Arts. During my foundation year classes, I remember starting my work with the seal and then using my drafting skills to complete my tasks with pride.… Continue reading Designing Spaces

Moonshot Thinking

Thinking Out of the Box The statement above clearly means, the ability to think beyond the regular boundaries of imagination. This now takes me years behind, to an era of which we are a product of. Our schooling system, which gave us the content knowledge of the book but didnt give us enough room to… Continue reading Moonshot Thinking

Documentation and Archival: a learning journey

No matter who you are, male or female, young or old, you've probably had to conduct documentation and archiving, in one form or another. Identifying aspects that make these processes a pain, and turning them into an activity using tools and techniques readily available to us, is a mindset many fail to recognize the importance… Continue reading Documentation and Archival: a learning journey