In my previous blog I narrated about my experience of getting familiar with ‘The’ sound. I talked about the ‘Art of Foley’ and multiple things that I realized were pretty amazing. I mentioned briefly about my on-going sound project and here in this blog, that is what I’m going to talk about. *DISCLAIMER* I am… Continue reading I GOT TUTORED BY SOUNDS

Memory + Emotions= Inspiration

When we generally talk about Art, we usually discuss, what does it mean?, where does it come from? what is it for? etc, we usually dont reach a definite answer. For me, Art is an expression, feeling, a medium or a way of communicating thoughts, ideas and emotions. This communication can be with thyself at… Continue reading Memory + Emotions= Inspiration

Documentation and Archival: a learning journey

No matter who you are, male or female, young or old, you've probably had to conduct documentation and archiving, in one form or another. Identifying aspects that make these processes a pain, and turning them into an activity using tools and techniques readily available to us, is a mindset many fail to recognize the importance… Continue reading Documentation and Archival: a learning journey