The journey of Fresco Painting

Fresco painting is the oldest technique of painting. Its roots go deep to the period when homo sapiens were in the survival phase and living in caves. However their objectives were different. Objectivity and subjectivity has been changing from time to time and region to region. The durability of fresco painting can never be challenged… Continue reading The journey of Fresco Painting


When I first heard about the project, I was quite confused in choosing a topic for it. I spent days thinking about it until one day in tools and technology’s class we were discussing our culture and how it is being extinct. From then I decided to do something in my project that protects our… Continue reading THE HIDDEN TREASURES OF MULTAN


The current Paramountcy of technology and our dependency on gadgets has led us to a new onerous confront that what will be the future of the one who is the creator of technology. The excessive use of technology and our dependency on it has led us to the situation where we feel that there is… Continue reading #NotABugSplat

Mapping the unseen

Sound is a kind of energy and it needs a medium to travel. It cant travel where there is no medium. On earth they travel by using air as a medium. Where there is no air there is no sound. However there are certain bodies which also help sound waves to travel i.e. metallic wire.… Continue reading Mapping the unseen

The first of its type:

On 28 April 2018 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India had achieved its goal, ahead of schedule, of providing electricity to every village in India. This is one of the greatest achievements in the history of energy.Since 2000 around half a billion people have gained access to electricity in India, with political effort… Continue reading The first of its type:

Because there is no planet B

In mid 1800s highline was constructed in between the city of New York to operate the freight trains for industrial areas. It went well at the at that particular time and initially it wasn’t elevated line. Due to curtail the accident rates the line was elevated in 1933. However during 1960-80s the structure was obsolete… Continue reading Because there is no planet B

Do you know what memes really are?

The word meme was first used by a  famous biologist Richard Dawkins in his famous book “The selfish Gene” in 1976. He suggested that Ideas could replicate, evolve, and enter popular cultures in a process analogous to the way genes spread. memes are like a “units of culture” which spread through the amalgamation of ideas.… Continue reading Do you know what memes really are?

Ferrari: Under the skin

The design museum London is the leading museum in United Kingdom and Europe and was founded in 1989. It was relocated to a modern Landmark in 2016 in Kensington and welcomed 2.1 million visitors since its re-opening. The design museum of London had recently launched an exhibition under the title “Under the skin” in collaboration… Continue reading Ferrari: Under the skin

Museums VS Archives VS Exhibitions

Tools & Technology in Art Education The first lecture of tools and technologies in art was about the museums, archives and exhibitions in terms of introduction of new technology in enhancing and amplifying the aura of that space. The use of new technology is the need of current scenario i.e. Covid19. It helps to open… Continue reading Museums VS Archives VS Exhibitions