Love is... Happiness is.... Loss is... These are original reflections. While collecting the above responses, I was amazed to see the thought process developing with age and time. I had forgotten how simple things can be, as they were, when we were younger. How the same thoughts evolve with experience, hurt and healings alter these… Continue reading A DIFFERENT TAKE ON LIFE

Memory + Emotions= Inspiration

When we generally talk about Art, we usually discuss, what does it mean?, where does it come from? what is it for? etc, we usually dont reach a definite answer. For me, Art is an expression, feeling, a medium or a way of communicating thoughts, ideas and emotions. This communication can be with thyself at… Continue reading Memory + Emotions= Inspiration

Sounds good to me…

how the new knowledge of sound production sounded to me ,sjdhgsqrgfylerfbjmbefjehjhdbgjhevd, sounds gibberish right? but it sounds good to me. This means that I am in a state of mind where I am unaware of something and that is my chance to learn something new. In today's class of Tools & Technology in Art Education,… Continue reading Sounds good to me…

Design Thinking

20 years ago, an Aha! moment in my life was when I understood the meaning of the word 'design'. My memory of the class, my instructor, the environment is a total blurr now but the striking understanding , after which for years everything made sense to me was that one statement which defined the word… Continue reading Design Thinking

Designing Spaces

Zaha Hadid British Iraqi Architect 1950-2016 My interest in the field of architecture surprised me when I was in the 1st year of my art school National College of Arts. During my foundation year classes, I remember starting my work with the seal and then using my drafting skills to complete my tasks with pride.… Continue reading Designing Spaces

Moonshot Thinking

Thinking Out of the Box The statement above clearly means, the ability to think beyond the regular boundaries of imagination. This now takes me years behind, to an era of which we are a product of. Our schooling system, which gave us the content knowledge of the book but didnt give us enough room to… Continue reading Moonshot Thinking


Understanding Memes When everyone is worried about 'Black Lives Matter', I am sitting here and wondering about 'What are memes?' Created the meme on http://memegenerator.net/ The truth is, we are give a task to look for it 🙂 In our latest Tools and Technology in Art Education class, we were introduced to the world of… Continue reading @memes

Photographs That Talk

A picture speaks a thousand words. It is,when the captured images do the talking and break the silence. Sometimes it is the other way around. The noise comes to an end when a very powerful picture starts talking. This is the power of captures... power of photographs!. It is not necessary always that a photograph… Continue reading Photographs That Talk

T & T- My Expectations

if we teach today's students as taught yesterday's, we rob them of tomorrowJohn Dewey So I log in for my first class of Tools and Technologies in Art Education. Not having enough time to go through the course outline, I set all my assumptions and expectations solely on the title of the course. Something like… Continue reading T & T- My Expectations