INTRODUCTION: We had been looking into the various forms of archiving and their purposes through out our Tools &Technology in Art Education course. Dictionary describes archiving as the process of protecting data that is no longer needed for day to day operations by storing it for future reference. While documentation is the actual data being… Continue reading STORY MAPS OF KARACHI: OLD BAZAARS

Textile Hybrids

I always considered Textiles as a very organic field. The main reason for this thought was the way I was trained as a textile designer. My alma mater believed in being true to mother earth, close to nature, and doing things by hand. Our teachings revolved around and mostly concentrated on natural materials, natural dyes,… Continue reading Textile Hybrids

Sound: A Teaching Tool.

Sound.  How would one describe sound? Scientifically it is the vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. It is also the main stimulation for one of our major senses namely hearing.  But is that all what it is important for? Why… Continue reading Sound: A Teaching Tool.

Design=Problem Solving

Designing is actually problem solving at its very core.  What exactly is the process for problem solving? Take any situation and observe it keenly and identify the problem. That is step one. Step two is understanding the cause of the problem and then address the cause rather than the symptoms. Because addressing the symptoms is… Continue reading Design=Problem Solving

Can we truly be sustainable?

While discussing sustainable projects in class we saw a brand called Ecoalf that is producing garments made from recycled materials like fishing nets and coffee grounds. One of my fellow classmates asked a very relevant question; Why are we recycling coffee grounds when they are biodegradable? This sparked an interest in my mind and I… Continue reading Can we truly be sustainable?

Let’s talk Humans, Sustainability and Technology

What is sustainability?  If you look up the word in a dictionary it says:   ‘The ability to be maintained at a certain level or rate.’ This is the original meaning.  The new modified version is :  ‘The avoidance of depletion of natural resources to maintain an ecological balance’. Here we are talking about sustainability in… Continue reading Let’s talk Humans, Sustainability and Technology

Memes for a positive change.

Data consumption is an interesting subject.We consume digital data in many forms and ways, but one that we all specifically see and consume about at least 4-5 times a day if not more is Memes! Memes are a relatively newer genre of digital communication. If we compare it to other forms of communication like ads,… Continue reading Memes for a positive change.

Real Vs Virtual

In today's fast paced world where everything is at finger tips and attention spans are getting shorter and algorithms decided what one can see and cannot see it is definitely a challenge to not only teach students but to keep them interested as well. For that interactive online sites is definitely a great tool for… Continue reading Real Vs Virtual