Self Actualization In Virtual World

Why suicide’s ratio is increasing? The suicide ratio is increasing rapidly world-wide. Students’ problems are not new; but the question in highlights is whether its social pressure, economic problems or educational issues which is causing drastic change in growing numbers. The following realistic data is collected after going through e papers of Pakistan. E-Paper The… Continue reading Self Actualization In Virtual World


First invention on earth after search food is textile. People use to made clothes from animal skins then move to cotton cloth and other materials. so, The believe is that clothes are mode of communication. Communication follow in touch term means that with in contact. Clothing is sub category of textile. Textile covers wearing, decoration… Continue reading TECHNO FABRICS

EDUCATION:Through Technology

Through technology one can educate the public. As if we see the cannes  award winning advertisement Meet Graham of 2017. The advertisement warns fast drivers about car accidents. The company commissions for a sculpture name Graham . the project was design to alarm fast drivers to understand the importance of road scene. It redesigns human… Continue reading EDUCATION:Through Technology


“Intelligence is in the head not in the age” azerbijani proverb. Would like to start the debate with this proverb. Humans are behaving smartly in todays world. Once the journey is long but successful. In the journey of development we loose some aspects and win some. Men build hug buildings by destroying beautiful landscapes. We… Continue reading “INTELLIGENCE IS IN THE HEAD NOT IN THE AGE”