Through this blog, which later turns into a far fetched idea, I intend to answer some questions; to myself and to others who might be reading. Have you ever wondered how stories like Snow White have passed down generations in countries where English is not the primary language? My mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, all know… Continue reading KAHANI SUNAO

Stripping down sound

today’s hottest emotive medium is so abstract it can’t be seen or touched.Alyssa Buffenstein - artnet news We experience the world around us through the five senses. Our body receives, recognizes and interprets a multitude of stimuli simultaneously. That's how we are able to make sense of surroundings and situations. When it comes to communication,… Continue reading Stripping down sound

Untangling threads

Technology in fashion, technological fashion and technology for fashion. I wouldn't call myself someone that follows fashion trends. That being said, I do go to stores and pick out things I like, therefore it is unavoidable to become part of fashion on-goings, and to build preferences. I have favourites that I wear and re-wear, until… Continue reading Untangling threads

The ‘from-home’ approach

For someone who has barely left the house in the past 4 months, I've been surprisingly busy. I see friends and family turning to craft-making, baking and other new activities, but somehow no new time slots have made themselves available to me. There was a time where projects couldn't move forward without 'office meetings' and… Continue reading The ‘from-home’ approach

tu-tu mein-mein: Technology Edition

"Tu-tu mein-mein" could mean anything, ranging from harmless bickering, to a full-blown altercation. An idiomatic translation to English could be "he said, she said". This article is a short reflection of my thoughts, based on a few new things I've heard and seen in the past couple of days, specifically in an online class I… Continue reading tu-tu mein-mein: Technology Edition

Biodegradability Is Not Enough?!

We are slowly, but surely, becoming a single global society, as communication gets easier and more and more information is at our fingertips. "Global warming", "ozone layer", "pollution", "recycle". These seemed like buzzwords I learnt in my social studies class in school, but are beginning to bear more meaning, as time passes by. Up until… Continue reading Biodegradability Is Not Enough?!

Memes: the bads and glads

First, let's get the burning question out of the way. What makes a meme, a meme? I here's a brilliant acronym constructed by Wil Fulton:M - messageE - evolutionM - malleability E - effectAnd whaddaya know! It spells M.E.M.E! "Message: There needs to be a clearly definable, central message or reference that's understood, and relatable… Continue reading Memes: the bads and glads

Documentation and Archival: a learning journey

No matter who you are, male or female, young or old, you've probably had to conduct documentation and archiving, in one form or another. Identifying aspects that make these processes a pain, and turning them into an activity using tools and techniques readily available to us, is a mindset many fail to recognize the importance… Continue reading Documentation and Archival: a learning journey

Keeping Up With The Times: Museums, archives & exhibitions

A personal reflection based on a group discussion. When was the last time you visited a museum? Does your city have a museum for you to visit? How much of the information available to you, did you understand and absorb? Did you have any inquiries? And how successfully were they resolved? You may be an… Continue reading Keeping Up With The Times: Museums, archives & exhibitions