Sounds, My identity ,My vision

When i talk about creating sound, i recall the experiment when i asked my students of grade three to make such instruments which can create sounds. I was amazed to see their excellent and inquisitive ideas. They created a sound tool by using empty bottle cap and chart paper.

Sound instrument

They created another instrument by recycling the waste tissue paper box. They made a guitar by using rubber band. It was fantastic idea created by the students.

Here it is…………

My tool ……..
My tool

What is Sound?

Sound, a mechanical disturbance from an equilibrium state that propagates via an elastic material medium. There is also the possibility of a strictly subjective interpretation of sound as perceived by the ear, but such a description is not especially informative and unduly restricting, since it is useful to talk of sounds that can not be detected by the human ear, such as those created by the human ear.

Sound is important in a production.  But what is sound and how does it enhance a movie?Sound in a movie includes music, dialogue, sound effects, ambient noise, and/or background noise and soundtracks.

Imagine no music in a movie. Certain scenes, like the beginning credits, would have dead air. The movie would seem like it was missing something. Music is a very important element for a movie.Dialogue is defined as a conversation between two or more people in a movie. In addition, a movie could have a monologue where a character is speaking out loud when he or she is alone. A character, for example, may contemplate the pros and cons of taking some form of action in a monologue.

Quite frequently, sound effects are incorporated into film post production. Many times when filming a scene with multiple simultaneous actions, such as dialogue, sword fighting and other background action, post production sound effects are added to louder the effect.

Music is also played at critical points during a movie. Have your emotions ever been on edge during a suspense thriller when a certain piece of music is played at different points of a movie?

Background noise gives the movie more realism. A movie character is running through a wooded area at night. This scene would lack any suspense if there were no ambient noises.

A soundtrack is an audio recording created or used in film production or post-production.A beautiful sound attracts the audience.

Human echolocation is the ability of humans to sense objects in their surroundings by hearing vibrations from certain objects, by deliberately making sounds: for example, by tapping their canes, stomping their feet gently, snapping their fingers or clicking with their ears.

This delivers messages in various ways, soothes the mind and also helps to relieve tension from our daily lives. This is a sound that rests on the rhythm and pitch of the ear, in a regulated and tuned form of matter. Not only is basic sound important, but I also believe that music is vital to human life

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