Global world seems like a bullet train……

I realized that sometimes living in a global world can destroy our originality. Although everyone is stuck due to pandemic and facing some unusual issues.On the other hand we are so much habitual of online stuff that life seems easier now. although we all are facing challenges especially dealing with online apps of banking sector but i feel it a blessing as well as while living at home we are managing everything. Online banking apps are very easy to use but the overall gesture of people shows that there is still need of change in the services.

Online banking

Survey Auto

Survey Auto has developed an advanced platform to gather reliable field data, especially in the developing countries. The framework blends recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (machine learning) with smartphone apps for high-quality data collection.

Survey Auto uses satellite imagery machine learning to reliably classify survey targets, track and control enumerators in real-time using mobile apps, and uses speech and image processing to assess the quality of data collected automatically.

I have personal experience of shopping online using I have a wonderful experience in using this online platform. It is a wide and reliable online source and we as a customer believe on reliability of the online platforms. While inquiring more about amazon i came through certain things like Amazon is guided by four principles:

customer obsession rather than competitor focus

invention passion

operational excellence commitment

long-term thinking.

They strive to have a positive impact on customers, employees, small businesses, the economy, and communities. Amazonians are smart, passionate builders with different backgrounds and goals, who share a common desire to always be learning and inventing on behalf of their  customers.

  1.  Innovation
  2.  Small business
  3.  Authors
  4.  Job creation and investment
  5.  Sustainability
  6.  Community

E –Ilajh

EIlajK-P launches the first electronic health care service in the Province. PESHAWAR:The government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) unveiled the province’s first electronic treatment center, E-Ilaj, to provide advanced healthcare facilities in remote areas.I must say that the opportunities are increasing in Pakistan. This has become our need now to go for such things which can be beneficial for all of us.I would like to appreciate the initiate taken by KP.


In the backdrop of soaring un-employment and financial challenges it has become a paramount duty of the government to steer the educated youth of the province in the right direction. Hence, Punjab Information Technology Board and Youth Affairs, Sports, Archaeology & Tourism Department have decided to establish e-Rozgaar centers in 36 districts of Punjab to provide training to budding freelancers and enhance their professional capabilities. Through this initiative Government of Punjab will assist the youth in earning sustainable income. One of the major objectives of this project is to provide training opportunities to youth for self-employment using internet based freelancing. This wise movement by the Chief Minister will expedite the freelancing skills of around 10,000 people in a year which will eventually help them to earn an honorable living. This program is not just a training program but a revolution that will help generate employment and prepare Pakistan to run in the race of future of work around the world.Their vision is to provide people with many job oppurtunities.


IDEO is a global design company which create positive impact through design.

“Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.” 

I really liked the project about Ali Murtaza. His project about childhood is really quite informative.


Designist’s aim is to produce work that contributes to better human interactions produced by our strong values and culture of work. We provide work that has a positive social impact for the end users and our customers. Our co-creative approach ensures all interested parties are involved in the design process. We are making sure that we turn up and deliver on time.

Women’s Digital League – Changing Lives of Pakistani Women One Digital Task at a Time

It is a social enterprise providing digital services to clients through a talented pool of Pakistani women. We are empowering women in Pakistan one digital task at a time.

Founder of Women Digital League……..

Thatta Kedona: A Village Development Project,’Thatta Ghulamka Dhiroka’ lies in a village 27 km away in the outskirts of Okara district. It is a place that immediately exudes the air of a well-managed and tightly knit village community. Most commonly known as Thatta Kedona (Urdu word for toy), it is a self-help village creation project where the local women manufacture and design toys.

Dr. Norbert Pinsch, and came to stay in the village for a week. Although, their first trip was brief, the villagers converted them to regular guests with their love and hospitality.As an arts teacher, she observed the local women’s keen interest in her work. These village women often made dolls out of cotton and yarn in their leisure time for their children.

It is a social enterprise that strives to empower artists and artisans. Vceela aims to empower these artisans by connecting them to local and international markets. Our mission is to revive the traditional arts and crafts, and produce artisans with sustainable businesses through skill development, design consultation, viable partnerships and market access. Vceela supports good causes and fair-trade businesses by helping them become economically viable. 

Journey never ends……………

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