Art for the People’s Sake


Often struggling artists complain about art opportunities specially working in areas where arts councils or institutions are not established and they claim that no one own them and their artwork they did not know how to get updated about opportunities and its hard for them to get limelight in the community that is occupied by a certain group of artists and community. Keeping in mind these issues of my fellow artists and friends I decided to take a survey by creating a form to get the views of different artists / fellow artists / peers / and people from diverse background. This survey showed that

  • 80% Artist agreed that artist associations help struggling communities
  • 81% Agreed that in the age of social media it is needed to be connected to an art association can really help.
  • 76% Agreed that artists associations really help bring talent to the world
  • 85.7%Agreed that art associations serve certain group of artists or community.
  • 95.2% Agreed that culture affects aims and objectives of art association.
Result question no 01 from survey report
Result question no 02 from survey report
Result question no 03 from survey report
Result question no 04 from survey report
Result question no 05 from survey report

So this survey described that we need an art association that serves artists beyond reign, institute, community and nationality.  The purpose of creating a website of an artist association is to bring people together so that they can show their work to the world. It will be a place where artists from all institutions, reign, and community will come and showcase their work and get updates about opportunities, grants, scholarships, collaborative projects etc.

Taking a step future it was very important to know the meaning of an association that suits the idea was an association is defined as a connection between ideas made mentally, or a connection you see in your head. An association is a relationship with an individual, group or organization. A group of people organized for a joint purpose or a connection or cooperative link between people or organizations or community. Searched lots of association and tried to contact the founders of those associations but they were unable to record an interview because of current pandemic situation and were closed.

Take a start

For stating the idea into practice I had to understand these steps to organize my work

  • First (Idea) know what it is
  • Second, making connections, establish a broad network
  • Third, brainstorm the details of your idea
  • Fourth, advertise your arts association
  • Fifth, get to work

Establishing a Network

In order to create a solid art association, I must need to first establish a network or arts contacts in artists communities, my own city and country. This can include other artists who I want to join my association but also other professionals who my association can draw on for help curators, gallery owners, businesspeople, suppliers, etc. Joining local networking groups and attending artist events is a great way to expand my network.

Once I have got this network established, I will start talking to these artists and professionals about the possibility of starting an association. Learn who is interested, what they want from the association, and what they would be willing to contribute.


Thinking about how my arts collective will operate. There are many different options, so I need to define the nature of my arts association before I begin recruiting members.

  • Searched, studied and contacted to other associations for inspiration how are they set up.
  • How do they obtain funding
  • Do they share studio space
  • What promotional ideas do they have
  • How do new members join etc.

Thought about a mission statement and a slogan for my art association “Art for the People Sake” I am sure it might be inspiring to the artists and community. Started with the mind map as association is an umbrella and things come under this, how to make connections with them a rough sketch that lead to the coloured mind map edited with image.

Fig 01 Rough sketch
Fig 02 Mind map

Advertising through website


Sketching has some advantages to digital wireframes or even digital drawing. It’s portable, approachable, creative and time tested. There’s nothing simpler than paper and pencil, pen or highlighters so I started taking a start of my website design with a rough sketch.

Fig 03 Website design rough sketch

Making prototypes of my work

Aims and objectives

People will gain Valuable Knowledge about art, artists, opportunities, advice etc.Artist will be able to exhibit their work in Visual Gallery. Artist talk, grants and awards, work presentation where you can not only see all the work, but also meet the show judges and other artists, and see the awards that are given out. Free workshops for the artists by the volunteer artists and more educational opportunities, and more potential exposure for artists and their work. Relationships are so important in the art world, not only with other artists but also with potential collectors and gallery owners for making Wonderful connections with other artist communities through collaborative projects with partner organizations, whether you have worked with them or not it will be a great way to connect with people.

People or artists can volunteer to help with different aspects of the organization. This association will have a Facebook, Twitter, instagram group just for members and other people where they can post and share their work and get updated with the grants and opportunities. Social media groups will be a great place for artists to interact. They can post their work there regardless of institution, religion, community, nationality etc. And the connections artists will make through membership, talks, exhibitions and workshops will open many doors and opportunities that will help their career tremendously.

Becoming a member Art for the people sake will connects you to the largest network of professionals in visual arts community, and by joining this an individual will show his/her support for the association. And this membership has further divided into three categories

  • Individual membership
  • Institutional membership
  • Affiliated societies

This main page will be display quick images of ongoing projects and news all the categories, header, footer headings and subheadings to explore all about this association.

Program category will contain all the information of upcoming events, grants, gallery, exhibitions, scholarships, opportunities etc.

This section will be having all the information about upcoming events, artists talks, working projects etc.

This selection will contain all three sub categories, bulletin of art will  be having discussions top  art publications from around the globe research publications of artists etc.

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