“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul”


Modern times see effects of music and sound under the umbrella of podcast. Debating on podcast what comes in my mind is radio. As in old times radio was use as a tool to communicate and entertainment.

So what is podcast then? Is it similar to radio? These are some questions coming in my mind.

Radio is live once on-air cannot be edited. As in podcast one have to record and edit the subject. Podcast are available on internet for mobile and computer download. They are series of digital audios. Radio can include pre-recorder programs.

Now, who is responsible of designing sounds? Is it plays important part in communication design?

We join several sounds and effects together to produce effects. Sound designer is responsible of creating language. As music is language of communication. For a good composition one should have knowledge of music.

Spoken words are important ingredient of any sound track.

There are Foley sounds through which designer create scenario.

Sonic branding is far more impact full then visual branding. As they flows in mind. Audio logo is an old concept. But is it is important side by side as visual branding impacts on mind but sonic branding flows.

Looking back in history how can one forget the Intel audio logo which was design by walter werzowa in 1980. Most played audio logo as one research says it plays every 5 minute around the world. It is mixture of five note mnemonic.

There is a whole generation of apple evolve which show through sounds. One can see the transition of time. From 1998-2016.

We were supposed to produce podcast for that I first read and saw some famous podcast of time. I read short stories by manto and pitras bukhary. Read some funny jokes by ghalib and shoukat thanwi. After readings I select one joke of shoukat thanwi.

The format of radio Pakistan always inspire me. As I have village near jalal pur sharif. And I have childhood memories of radio. My khala use to listen a lot.

first challenge was recording voice. I went to a room which is in the corner of house. to avoid folly sounds. i use microphones for recording my voice. after that i transfer it to the system.

The software i choice is adobe premiere. its allow my to add multiple sounds. can change the pace of sound effects. the interface is quite user friendly. i started exploring it. where i get stuck i saw tutorials . and it helps.

putting all the files in one folder. i drag and drop on adobe premiere. and started. so here you go to the podcast.

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