I worked with almost 15 different sounds like thunder storm, rain, car, engine, door, Music and vocals. All these sounds combine to form a feel of drama. It’s not difficult to mix all these sounds but the real challenge is to maintain the importance of every sound in all scenes with a balance. For this I selected on key sound in every scene that plays in whole scene. Rest of the sounds comes and ends after completing their roles in every scene. Total four scenes are present in this drama. I did not want to talk much about the story because if I told the whole story here then all the suspense in the audio will lose its importance.  I just want to give a simple one line statement that this is a story of a physio killer. Rest of the things I leave on my audience. The audio is given below lets feel the drama.

What is more important thing in communication sound or a video? Now a day’s sound is considered as a necessary part of communication. Either as a music, sound effect or a human voice. In other words we can say that it is a complete design. Poor sound can ruin the video and a good sound can take the video to next level. Sound can affect our brains deeply. It is also a best way of communication like video. It is used in environment of games, special effect of films. People makes sound to share their feelings with others. Sound creates a complete picture in the mind.  It represent in different forms on internet, radio and T.V. Story teller uses their voice to get deep in the hearts of people. Comedian cracks their jokes through their voice. When we are listening a drama on a radio sound tells us about the character, place and the time. Visuals are automatically creating in our minds which tells us about the story. It engages the audience and evokes them emotionally. Some questions arises here that why is sound overlook in Art and design? What role it necessary played in communication? What is sonic branding? How are audio documentaries and pod cast different from each other? What is the concept of organic sound? What is mechanical sounds?

Sound of the brand

Now a days companies uses sound and music strategically for the promotion of their brands. This special sound in commercial leaves some image in people mind. This is the best way of communication through sound.  Every people has its own perspective regarding sound. Similarly every region has its own feel in sound. When we go somewhere that place has two things one is visual and other is sound that tells us whether we are familiar with this place or not. We hear different sounds of vehicles and other machines that helps in completing the visuals. Every people has its own way of talking that tells the personality whereas one language spoken in an area has its own feel that makes a complete culture. All this shows that sound has a value and we never deny it.

“Listen to the sound of silence.”— Paul Simon

I took the inspiration from Paul Simon and start thinking about sound. As it is very important thing. It plays a key role in understanding the feel of anything. So I decided to do an experiment with only sound. Mixture of different sounds is also known as podcast. Firstly I choose the genre in which I decided to work with a scene. As I enjoy watching and read the suspense stories. So I start working in it. After finalizing the story I start picking the sounds from the internet and put all these sounds in filmora9 instead of premiere. Both are almost same software’s in terms of editing. Even there tools are same. Two thing I like more about filmora9. One is advance effects and animations. The second thing is the simplicity in the interface and way of using tools. I put all my sounds in library of software

Video editing software

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