How could we hear ? Sound waves travel into the ear canal until they reach the eardrum. The eardrum passes the vibrations through the middle ear bones or fossils into the inner ear. The inner ear is shaped like a snail. Siencetficaly its work like that . the best sound is A lossless audio file format is the best format for sound quality. when hen you “hear” a sound, it’s your brain interpreting. When you hear your own thoughts, it’s basically the same thing but you skip the step of the sound actually going into your ears and then being sent as an electrical signal to your brain. wow, very nice and clear explanation.

There is a book on thinking sound .

Thinking sound.

When we answer in hmmm is it thinking sound ?

It doesn’t even have a vowel. ranks among the words we English speakers say the most, and yet we give it scant thought. Hmm is technically categorized as an “interjection,” along with the likes of um, huh, ouch and wow. It’s also “sound symbolic,” according to Google.  

Animal Color Vision Eye: Structure and Optics Eyes, Pitch refers to the subjective experience produced by a sound. so our assignment on sound . now I am  sharing my narrative .   I want to collect some natural sounds. I am live Bahawalpur there is a desert cholistan . I visited there and record some sounds . its all natural animals sounds .

My tour for sound recording .

presentation of my sound assignment.

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