SOUNDS…… a strong expression.

When we think about the particular word SOUND, many questions arise.

What is sound?

How many types of it exists?

What is its role in our daily life?

How we can differentiate among lyrics and voice? And many more…..

Today’s lecture drag us all towards a very sensitive but a very strong expression of communication. While discussing about broadcast i remember one thing that our grandparents were very much habitual of listening news or any discussion about current affairs on radio. They enjoyed a lot only by listening news.

Even if we talk about its importance then a small child develops his association with the voice of his mother. There are two types of sound broadcast: organic sound and mechanical sound. Organic sound is based on visuals while Mechanical vibrations that fall in the frequency range that we are capable of hearing are called sound, or sound waves. Mechanical vibration is a form of oscillating energy comprised of forces of specific frequencies that are repeated in a cyclical fashion.

Sonic Branding (also sometimes called audio branding, sound branding, or acoustic branding) is the practice of using auditory elements to brand your product or service. It is the use of sound to reinforce your brand identity, just as you would certain colors or words.

Samsara is a 2011 American non-narrative documentary film of international imagery directed by Ron Fricke and produced by Mark Magidson, who also collaborated on Baraka (1992), a film of a similar vein, and Chronos (1985).  

This film is very good example of expressions it has only background sounds not words. There are lots of sounds which are very clearly depicting its subject meanings into our minds. Like classic cartoons sound effects. We remember our childhood interest sounds or cartoons only by listening its music once.

What lyrics are? Yeah sounds add emotions, feelings and strength in words. It is an informal way of learning. One can ask or transfer his message very easily through some lyrics. Sometimes words became expressionless while sounds play their role. Some sounds reminds us our old memories.

If we talk about the dialect of areas then it also have a strong impression and identity of people around. Each area after 20 miles change its dialect. It shows the power of language and voices. When I listen to patriotic songs, I don’t know why I get very much involved in them. Their lyrics, words, music puts a strong impression on my mind. Likewise if we listen news then a suspense behind the breaking news or upcoming news increases our interest and we wait for it. Another example of it that if I listen the alarm voice of ambulance I went into the memory of my father’s stroke. Which occurred years ago but that voice stretched me back to that time when I called an ambulance for him.

So cutting it short, the role of sound is too vast and its sustainability is undoubtedly permanent even much more strong like visuals.

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