Music, Science and Arts- Sound Journal

This blog is dedicated to learners!

Sound is everywhere, as long as one is able to hear and recognize the environment through audio senses. This article is somehow very special to me as going back in my childhood and talking about the evident memories that my mother tells me, one is that I started responding to different sounds from few days after my birth. Normally, infants prominently give response by three months or early. This one observation of my mother had played an important role for me to realize how my audio sensitivity is changing the way I live in this world. The journey of my battle with different forms of sound is as old as mine. Living in urban places, one gets to hear different types of sounds as a hailstorm and coming from many directions. Still one recognizes the sound of nature, voice of their loved ones, calling of a prayer on speakers, noise of traffic and all other things present around.

Journey of Sound in Science

Sound is also one of the fastest hearing sense other than smell, taste,feel… I am not a special or medically had any check up on that as I always used to believe and tell myself that this sound sensitivity is for everyone and especially the people from the field of music, film and multi media arts or even anybody out there who does not even know about them. From my schooling, I practiced different strategies and had a trouble in learning. It was the time when I was not familiar about my learning style. As soon as I started reading, speaking each and every word loud out could make it easier and understandable as ratification of information was one of those learning strategies for assessment. The technique worked out and out shined my educational career.Recognizing learning style, aids one to improve personal education as well as gets you there when you are teaching professionally.

The four different types of learners; image from blog.prezi

Sound terminology helps us in understanding more about it. Phonics for beginners we all have been familiar with it. Frequency, vibration, wave-length , amplitude, ultrasonic, sonic boom etc is common vocabulary associated with sounds. Sounds effect on our emotions as well i.e. physiological, psychological, cognitively and behavior, impacts are observed.

First five minutes of watch time is recommended

The impact of sounds on human beings is not something to ignore. We listen to the news, media, tv, radio, podcasts and get effected from the audio information received on daily basis. How the sound brings all visuals in front of our eyes, is one way of sound affecting on our brains.

Scratching Sound History in the past takes us back into the time of Phonautographs.

After Alexander Graham Bell, in 1875 , transmitted the first sound vibrations between two receivers there was first radio broadcast speech which was transmitted without wires. After then an own wards cell phone technology came into the role play.

Sound history is also related frequently with the time of Mughal Emperor, where Tansen joined the musicians in the court. Court historians accounted facts about how different Rags have brought changes in the environment such as Raga Megha Malhar could bring the rains and Raga Deepak could light the lamps.

Character portrayed in an Indian movie “Tansen, 1943.

Creating sound pieces and sound art had been practiced for various purposes . For instance, games, apps, musical performances, theater, film, podcasts, radio, advertisement industry, traffic control management, hospitals, schools and almost everywhere around us. STEAM in education has also brought up change and uses Science and Technology with Arts to explore the scope of learning.

Nigel Stanford

The relation of Sound with Dialects is a bond which evolved as the music , theater, radio and film industry progressed using technology, based as a design especially in Film and Media Arts. Most commonly heard sound forums in few decades have been jingles, audio dramas, sounds on tape, and voice overs.

IKO by sonible and Gerriet K. Sharma at HZB

Despite of the fact that sound is an integral component for communication purposes, Sound’s Art identity is still overlooked . The relationship of Sound design should not be only contextualize within different disciplines of Art, yet it needs to be explored with more vastness in the newly emerging contemporary world.

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