MoonShot thinking…… and then plan for its fulfillment or implementation.

After searching a lot of projects done by individuals, groups or organizations, I came to this final thought that there is a strong subject behind all these works for development or improvisation of mankind and waste things like sustainable materials.

Buffalogrid- a north Indian project of internet and battery charging availability for next billions. This is a strong community work done by an organization for the problem of electricity which causes hurdles for communication means. Being the basic need of life there must be second option for all these charging and internet availabilities. So they proposed and design a system which can be used both for the services of net and also for charging a phone. This is so attractive offer for the people around.

Yet there is a long list of such projects which has same moonshot thinking behind but I like another one discussed in class also :  NotABugSplat : a giant art installation project that targets predator drone operators sitting thousands of miles away who refer to kills as BugSplats.

This is another way of describing one’s feeling about such cruel actions. Its execution is so impressive. The face selected for this installation is so innocent and full of questions to be asked.

I wants to add my own experience regarding such matters that once my own student was so upset because her father was in army and posted at sensitive border. She was so depress because of this situation that every girl in the class is coming to college with her father except me. And no reward will be offered to her family for this sacrifice. All these thinking are badly effecting her studies. Now the thing is that we have to admire such heroes of our nation. Their sacrifices gives us safe borders. And their families are suffering too which we not even consider. I kept on counselling her in this regard and luckily at the end of the semester she got high grades.

While searching about SCEWO wheelchair, my feelings are same. That we have to think about the feelings of mankind.

This is designed by a company, and now available in market for the handicapped people. With a facility to climb on stairs. Well-designed machine with multi task performance.

Tayaba Welfare International Organization has designed a water carrier source in replacement of matti ke pots. And this is very precious effort for them. Because they people are suffering a lot from the problem of water resources.

This is another example of sustainable materials and their usages n implementations. In Pakistan there are a lot of slots waiting for such works because of limited resources. Some organizations are focusing on and producing useful results.

Technology has changed our visions. And its day by day increasing use has positive as well as negative impacts also. But it’s entirely up to us what we adopt to make impossible to possible with reliable steps, procedures and implementations.

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