Woman is a new strong

emojis of professional women

A picture worth a thousand words that’s why these little cartoonish pictograms are used in our daily texting, emailing even in picture sharing, no matter what place you are from or what language you speak, you definitely recognize smiley, kissing heart, joyful or fearful emoji. but I wonder why I never found a female farmer or female weightlifter,

girls send billions of emojis everyday. Do these emojis represent them? Are emojis open to all genders ,nationalities and races?

The Unicode Consortium, the organization which supervise selection and adoption of emojis, has approved a proposal by Google back in May 2017 which incorporates depiction of professional women. There are 11 new emojis of professional women such as chef, scientist, computer programmer, graduate, rock star, police officer, bike rider, surfer, swimmer and weightlifter. infect these emojis were designed on the base of workforce data from U.S.

According to The Verge, the team quoted an article published by The New York Times on ‘Emoji Feminism’ as their motivation:

Where, I wanted to know, was the fierce professor working her way to tenure? Where was the lawyer? The accountant? The surgeon? How was there space for both a bento box and a single fried coconut shrimp, and yet women were restricted to a smattering of tired, beauty-centric roles? This was not a problem for our male emoji brethren. Men were serving on the police force, working construction and being Santa. Meanwhile, on our phones, it was Saturday at the Mall of America — women shopping while men wrote the checks.

“No matter where you look, women are gaining visibility and recognition as never before,” the developers said in a its proposal. “Isn’t it time that emoji also reflect the reality that women play a key role in every walk of life and in every profession?”

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