Optical Device

 When we look at the design museum of London we thought about constructive design .the building had been beautifully designed.  The museum was originally housed in a former 1940s banana warehouse on the south bank of the River Thames in the Shad Thames area in SE1 London. The conversion of this warehouse altered it beyond recognition, to resemble a building in the International Modernist style of the 1930s. This was funded by many companies, designers and benefactors. When I saw Ferrari archive images in design museum London. It’s properly display like industrial views and angels are amazing.

Design Museum showcases 14 rare sports cars in Ferrari. London’s Design Museum celebrating 70 years of Ferrari design.

‘Race cars are neither beautiful nor ugly. They become beautiful when they win.’ Enzo Ferrari

The exhibition will explore Ferrari’s powerful personality. the design and manufacturing process is great invitation in car history. I feel legacy of Ferrari is given a dramatic stage at London’s Design Museum.

I search more past exhibitions on vehicles all over the world.

Industrial design is a process of design applied to products that are to be manufactured through techniques of mass production. the professional practice of designing products, devices, objects, and services. Ikea flat pack is also furniture like industrial object design . its lose part make a sense to design complete according to yours choice. It’s like work on a product 50% ikea designers and 50% buyer design. Then complete 100% design.     

Its amazing constructive design.

These are some relevant picture of constructive art .

In these days of instant digital images, it’s hard for many to imagine the effort that went into creating photos during photography’s first century and a half. Each single image was precious — and painstaking to create. Before the film era and way before the digital era, photographic emulsions were made on glass supports, known as glass plate negatives.

 The image shows one of the original glass plate negatives.

dry glass plates allowed the practice of photography to spread to a larger number of people, it is  the invention of roll film.

our photographer was using dry plates, we know they carried these heavy and fragile plates to locations to expose them, then carried them back to the darkroom to process them.  Our glass plates arrived in Cramer Lightning Dry Plate negative boxes.

used the principle of the camera obscure in order to explain how the image gets formed in the eye. Early ‘camera obscuras’ were used by painters to devastating effect.  Vermeer pioneer this technique to produce in 17th century. Vermeer using a simple booth-type camera obscura, with which he projected optical images onto the back wall of his room. His canvases are the same size as these images, because he has traced them. These findings were made, as described, through a graphical analysis of the pictures’ perspective geometry.

Leonardo da vinci used the principle of the camera obscura in order to explain how the image gets formed in the eye. … Leonardo da Vinci was very curious and also fascinated by the phenomenon of the camera obscura which is able to make the sun´s rays pass through a small hole without mixing up one with another.

I visit this page for the history of obscura camera in artist work . and search used it first. Its nice to see about leonardo .

What is the difference between a pinhole camera and camera obscura?

Pinhole camera is a camera that uses pinhole instead the lens, regardless of the recording medium. Camera obscura technically is the same as pinhole camera, although that term has historically been used for medium-less pinhole camera, a camera that only showed an image without recording it.

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