Sustainable future: is it a easy task?

Advancement in technology is only possible when we think out of the box. Which is the box then? First, we need to identify the questions? The needs of people. And how we can facilitate. Modern world talks about less is more.  Design the products in smarter way both in terms of us and appearance.

How can be a nation become smart? Does economy play any role?

These are questions coming in my mind. So, I thought to study about it. Concept can be only implementable when the country affords it. So smart design says design solutions in such a way which use less manpower and money.

By the term sustainable, what comes in mind is portable. Easy to function. I will support me argument with some examples. Lets have a look on some most interesting sustainable projects.

Survey auto: it’s a advance database platform which collects data from the map and through information to targets. Artificial intelligence plays vital role in it. The machine use satellite imagery to identify the living places. And combine the data with map. The mechanism provide services to exact target audience. 

survey auto

Now a days you will experience you get massages about what you are thinking of. Or what’s you want to do. You can collect survey from them for research. Tings are quite handy now.

E-ilaj is a project of KPK with celebration with comsats Information institutes. They provide treatment in the behali district of Manshera. Now people can visit their near health center. And connected to the medical specialist how is in the city. The website is well-managed and planned.

women digital league is a great initiative for educated women’s. WDL works with educational institutes. So the mission is to create work places for women’s.

to create training centers for those who want to live independently. The organization conduct training programs for women’s.

digital journal is

another platform. which gather information from to other. It is quite informative.

Smart education: if I talk in term of covid-19 . the teaching is become smarter now. As students are unable to visit the schools physically. Online teaching is a new trend. is it possible to digitalize all government institutes? To some extend yes. nothing is impossible. We should think for solutions. But implementation takes time. From start till end we have to re-create the scenario.

Education sector is one of the most valuable sectors.


Vceela is a website which create a platform for artisans. You can find contact of khusa makers. Ajrak maker the mission is to recue the dying art. Vceela connect artisian to global market. As the craft persons are living in fare areas. They need access to the market. Vceela enterprise the artist weather they are educated or not.

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