Technology Stream

Is evolution of technology and sustainable designs is beneficial for us? If we observe more closely to everything around us and think about it we can get the answer soon.

Jacquard technology is introduced by google which gives new life to cloths and furniture. It is a small device like a USB contains threads patch if this patch integrated with any cloth like in sleeves of a jacket and when we touch on it we can operate our mobile like we can receive calls, play music and or change the slides during the presentation.

This also integrated with camera that also useful in many ways. Levis and Adidas have introduces their smart products using this device.

Buffalogrid is a project introduced by Airtel to villages across north India where the electricity is unstable and lack of internet. This device is attach with solar panel through which it provides power and internet whole day to customers free of cost. Airtel gives this device to mobile agent’s shops where people go and register themselves through mobile no. and connect their phones with wire for charge within few time.

No. of mobiles can be attach with this device at one time  They can also get access to internet through this device even if they are at their homes. This helps the agents a lot in terms when a customer comes for mobile charging he buy other things like sim card, balance recharge and etc. This increases the sales of those agent’s.

Scewo is a controllable digital wheelchair which works on the technology of self-balancing and stair climbing. All these features make this product unique. It is very special for those handicaps who has to go somewhere.

Not a bugssplat is a Giant picture installation that targets predator’s Drones operator. This project is installed in north Pakistan where American’s drone targets their spots. In drone attach children and people of that areas also lost their life. By seeing all this a French Artist JR in collaboration with BBO advertising installed this big picture installation on the ground to tell the drone operators that those dots that they see on the screen are not bugs.

These are humans like us who has rights to live. When this picture is seen through drone from height a clear image is seen on the screen rather than a dot. Many other projects like this by JR in other countries as well.

H2O wheel is another project in Pakistan by Tayaba foundation which helps those people who live in that areas where there is no drinking water. These people walk miles away from their homes to collect drinking water in a pitcher. Women put it on their shoulder or head with water in it and walk miles.

They face many problem like if its rain then the path becomes slippery and it’s difficult to walk. They need something not to carry on her shoulders. For this Tayaba foundation makes the drum like wheel with a handle through which it’s easy to drag those water filled drum with plenty of water.

All this technology makes the life of human more comfortable. We need more laws and rules for the use of technology. As all these technologies certainly decrease the human efforts. Which shows that more work is done by machines. The humans are becoming less useful day by day. We should pay attention on the use of technology in right manner.

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