Moonshot Thinking

Thinking Out of the Box

The statement above clearly means, the ability to think beyond the regular boundaries of imagination. This now takes me years behind, to an era of which we are a product of. Our schooling system, which gave us the content knowledge of the book but didnt give us enough room to think on our own. I used to feel so embarrassed and felt like an elephant in the room, where I always had questions but I continued to make sense of things on my own. I never learned to question my thinking or simply put, ask a question!.

It came to me years later when I became an educator myself. I started practicing and realised that this was my chance! I know now that we werent really prepared for our future then which is our present now. But it is our responsibility to prepare this generation for furture which is already here.

I know the need of that liberty to ask questions. I know how it helps when you question your thinking again and again. This when given ignition can prepare thinkers who can do amazing things by transcending the boundaries. Unfortunately I wasnt a part of ‘thinkers and doers group’ then, but now am striving to help this generation to become one.

I heard the word Moonshot Thinking for the first time in my Tools & Technology in Art Education class and it stirred my emotions as well as thoughts mentioned above. It gave me some comfort to know that the context of this term has always been the crux of my teaching practices and training methodoligies.

Thinking and then learning is natural, it only requires room for letting it happen. To achieve this goal, the 21st century skills are required. the 4 Cs!

I allow my learners to ask ‘what if‘ questions all the time. I make sure there is a place in the class for them to post these questions. I look forward to all the discussion it generates. It allows them to critically think before they contribute. Sometimes I set it as a group task to look for its possible answers. They dont even realise that their collaboration is helping each one of them in a unique way. They put on their creativity hat for that time and allow each other to listen, think, say, receive and consolidate their ideas. What beautiful achievement is that when they take pride in all of this.

In recent years, thanks to the ‘thinkers and doers’of our generation, we have seen a major development and growth of ideas that seemed far fetched only a few years ago. In my early years in 80’s, I remember my surprise when someone said, in future there will be phones where you will be able to see the picture of the person you are talking to. I cannot forget my disbelief and the surprise to that concept. Little did I know, that in this time and and place, I will be taking online classes with not one person in contact but many with their faces and voices. Not to mention the interactive additions brought to life by technology.

The futuristic teaching and learning strategies have given birth to many idea generators and internet of things.

My most favourite ones from the many that were shared with us in the online class are:

Mrs. Fan’s Plugin House

These beautifully designed Plug in houses are affordable, adjustable in the neighbourhood and contains the modern day amenities. The living standard and energy efficiency of a Plugin equals or exceeds that of new apartment towers. Click the link for more details.


This clothing line has redefined the ‘Rs’ of Recycling. They brought forward the nature friendly idea of sustaibility of resourses. The products availabe in their stores are manufactured from used substances.E.g used fish nets, coffee grounds etc. (

Air Ink

Ink that is made from the airpollution. What a simple idea and an excellent design.

Buffalo Grid

Mobile power and internet for the next billion!. This is a project by Airtel, the telecommunication company in India. Take it a marketing gig or a step ahead, it is indeed convenience to many. (

How internet has reached where electricity hasnt!

Aarish Sardar

SCEWO Wheel chair mobility for tomorrow

Wheel chair designed for a life as normal as anyones. (

H2o Wheel

Help 2 Others, is a project by Tayyaba Organisation, who are fighting water scarcity in Pakistan. ( The aim is to provide the women of rural areas to use this for fetching clean drinking water with the convenience of rolling the water container all the way from their homes to the source.

These are some of the innovative designs that have elements of sustainibility, promise and affordibility. These simple steps are real life actions of thinkers who think for people. They think beyond and act out of the box!

Thinking out of the box allows you to get rewards outside of your reach

Matshona Dhliwayo

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