EDUCATION:Through Technology

Through technology one can educate the public. As if we see the cannes  award winning advertisement Meet Graham of 2017. The advertisement warns fast drivers about car accidents. The company commissions for a sculpture name Graham . the project was design to alarm fast drivers to understand the importance of road scene. It redesigns human body in a manner if your have car accident your body will not get effected.


Humans are driving there on personalities.

Moonshot thinking:  the universal challenge. Whose solution is not there. Unthinkable things.

Technology is always a curiosity.

Meet Olli

Local motors design olli a self-driven car. The vehicle moves in arears. You ask to the vehicle about your current mode and then ollie will guide you. The car leads you to that area.

There is an app design for olli on which you can travel to your destination.


Project jacquard is a new technology. Jacquard app is being used by connecting through Bluetooth. It works with famous clothing brands to provide smart solutions.

Traffic lights is an old concept. Which is not applicable with the project olli. To control self-driven cars we need to develop a system which is light traffic.

So the idea is based on sensor-laden vehicles pass through intersections. Through communication self driven cars maintain safe distances from each other’s.

Such as with adidas:

The concept of digital gaming and physical football is quite creative. Adidas introduce the jacquard technology in the shoes.

Levi’s design trucker jacket which merges the jacquard technology. Through which one can answer calls, take photos, play music’s from sleeves.

levis jacket

Through googles jacquard technology your physical apparels become your technology tools.

CSR technology is a group which provide platforms to professionals and designers. The group provide services to companies looking to outsource, small and large businesses and consumers.

LinkedIn is a platform through which designers, artist showcase their works. One can get projects from there.

The trend of incubation centers are also introduced recently in university. Which works on creative ideas with students.

buffalogrid is very successful project which was launched by airtel in north India. As internet facility was not available their. People there were facing light issues. The device of this system is attached to solar plate. Which provide power to device. One can charge mobile with the device. Airtel India provides internet through this device.  These devices are given to mobile top-up shops. These services are free of cost. People can come to shops and avail them.

Bernhard thought about an idea in 2014  about designing a robot which can climb stairs independently. Scewo is a self balancing two wheel chair for disables. It is a perfect combination of design and technology.

About us

Aqsa ajmal design a sweing machine for blinds. She is first Pakistani women got select for lexus design award. It’s a great innovative project for those impaired individuals who wants to earn money respectfully. She named her project ”Pureswit.”

Bilal bin saqeed introduces h2o water wheels. In those areas of Pakistan where women’s spends their half day in fetching the water. So the idea of water wheel comes from Burkina Faso.

Bilal says he saw womens there caring water in water wheels. After inquiring he came to know that an ngo provides these devices. So he thought that their a several cities of Pakistan were peoples are facing the water issue.

William Ogburn is famous for his radical technology determinism. Technology is getting advance day by day. By keeping in mind the problem statements. Which can be verbal or pictorial.

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