Ultra Meme

What is meme? We may call sarcastic /Humorous picture, video or text a meme. Depicting the current scenario.

Global village is right term to use here. Through social media we can convey our massage with in a second. Memes are one of the most viral content on internet. As we all have the social media access and we need no time in reading it. That is the reason behind its virility. Humor of this content already present in our society in the form of T.V shows, theater and videos. Which takes viewers time to watch and understand.

As, life is so busy now a days we don’t have enough time to watch all the shows and episodes. That’s the reason behind the popularity of the memes.

Some question that suddenly popup in our mind that who create these memes any organization or some people. If we have the answer of this question then what is the purpose behind making these memes. Is there purpose is to target someone or these are just funny jokes. Can memes used to highlight some message or events that occurs around us? Is this some sort of publicity stunt by any organization or a company? Shall our government be involved in it, to manipulate the minds of people or they try to hide event and focus on some other event.

Well to know the answers of all these questions let’s try to get answers of these questions. Some people uses it for the sake of money like in blogs or in video content. Now a days many companies uses memes in their campaigns of their products. Because memes are the fastest way to advertise any product in people of all communities. If we want to confirm any news about incident that occur in certain area we can see so many memes regarding that event in different perspectives because meme is somehow an artist representation. As these memes show something in a humorous way so if we want to change the perception of people regarding any event. we can make memes according to our own perception and spread it on the social media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and many more. People will automatically think about it and mold their minds.

These memes are not only made by humans. Artificial intelligence also plays very important role in making these memes. A software named as meme Gera 2.0 make picture memes by writing text on any picture. When a person upload any picture in that software it reads the macro parts of that picture and write text in it accordingly and  give it back. Internet bots are also present which take picture and make meme by placing text on it. We can experience these bots like Dankland on Facebook messenger.

I also do an experiment on making meme by myself. Firstly I selected the area on which I can make a meme. As we all know covid-19 situation very well and everyone has so much personal experience on it. SO I decide to make meme on covid-19 situation. I start doing research and find out so many gifs, illustrations and text based memes on internet. After doing research on all scenarios of making memes I decided to make meme on some of my personal experiences because I personally go through it. I write the content and start gathering the graphical images from the internet. After than I open the Photoshop and place those graphical images on the art-board. Finally I reach on my first graphic base still image of meme. After seeing this image for some time I decided to make it animated GIF form.

I take that image to animate cc and start animating the objects. Here I passed through so many stages of improvements in meaning of the meme so that I can convey my message in an indirect way. Here I think about my target audience and do more changes. I want to focus on some habits of the people that never changes even in the quarantine situation but the real challenge is to make it humorous. So I tried to add some fun elements in it.

After playing this animation so many times I decided to make one more GIF with more minimalistic work so I finally target those people who accept all this situation who know the swear results of corona disease but still they do not wear mask. If they wear they place it on the chin or in their pockets. But there favorite hobby is to say loudly corona is there and discuss it with every people. Why they do that? Either these people know they are healthy enough and they will remain safe or they think one day everyone has to die, when our death come we will see.

In this whole procedure of making meme I try to focus on some realities and whoever experience those situation will understand my context. In the last there is still a question in my mind is meme change its form near future if yes then what was next to it.

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