MEME: Mind Game

­Humor is one of the best ingredients of survival.

Aung San Suu Kyi

By opening the reflection by Aung san suu saying, I would like to debate on memes.

So, what is meme? Is it a new trend? Is it a new form of humor?

A lot of questions arise in my mind. In the last discussion with Mr. Arish we see different memes and their contents.

Meme is a digital form through which we can comment on social issue with in a second.

Is meme a replacement of comic cartoons, which we were used to see in newspapers.

As in pervious decades we convey humor through various modes. May be book, movie, cartoon, etc.

Munnu: Malik Sajad

Here I would like to code the novel “MUNNU A BOY FROM KASHMIR” WRITTEN BY MALIK SAJAD.

The novel consist of sajads on childhood story. having amazing drawn graphic illustrations in it. The novel is a comment on the history of regin, the role of india, Pakistan and Britain on Kashmir.

To understand the Kashmir comment by sajids perspective once have to read and view the illustration. Which takes more time than a graphic memes.

The book is available on

Here I am putting a very famous meme which was used by jimmy john’s.  as it saves the cost of advertisement which they usually give to agencies. Here is a great danger to the brand: as it depends on the perception. If people judge your meme in wrong content then the brand will be in danger.

Creativity and originality important for creating meme.

We live in a technology world where information travels in seconds. Meme can be mind changing tool. As memes appear on screen.

So is meme talks about comedy only? No it is a medium through which you can comment on serious matter .

Pamment wrote a book “comic performances of Pakistan ,The Bhand” . the book consist of journey of indo -pak comic theater. The history of theater is not new. There are several illustrations in it.

As in theaters were the places which shows the dramas of current issues. So that were also memes of that times.

The world is becoming smart. Let me prove my argument by giving example of computer.

Charles Babbage designed first analog engine in 19th century. Which is the base of today’s computer. As computer is a device with takes data, process it, store and show result.

Early the processor were to large. Which takes space of whole room. Then I comes to desktop computers, further into laptop now notepads and even mobiles are performing like computer.

This all advance is good and bad at same time. As the older generation was good in math’s and in logical reasonings. We are so reluctant to computer that we cant even perform our small sum without calculator.

USB Mix – Project Series

data can travel thousand miles from a single usb. We are living in a real global village. In north Korea the people are not allowed to expose to social media. 

A project with the name “flash drives for freedom” which show the importance of usb. As previously the people were not allowed to take usbs out of airports. As per security issues.

after studying all I thought to create a meme on my own. For designing a meme I first thought and make a mind map. Which is more appropriate in the current covid-19 situation. As I am teacher to university students and studying as well. I choice to high light the current situation of students. They are not willing to do work. And when teachers ask for submission, they feel cranky. Teachers have to push them.

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