“Intelligence is in the head not in the age” azerbijani proverb.

Would like to start the debate with this proverb. Humans are behaving smartly in todays world. Once the journey is long but successful. In the journey of development we loose some aspects and win some. Men build hug buildings by destroying beautiful landscapes. We convert green fields into cityscapes.

Now when we see all our created mess on earth. As eco system is damaged. We are returning to the solutions for smart and intelligent answers.

Yasmin lari, Pakistanis first female architect who nail her name in building economical houses. She design houses with in low cost. As Pakistan is 3rd world country the poverty rate is high. She utilizes  the environmental attributes for designing.


Lari works designs very sleek and low-cost mud houses. In case of flood or any natural disaster. It will not harm for people. She constructed 40,000 carbon less houses.

The earthquake of 2005 which hits northern areas of Pakistan with 7.5 magnitude. Change laris mind and she think of constructing low budget sustainable constructions by not destroying the nature.

Zaha Hadid Architects Among Firms Chosen for Russian Mega-Smart ...

queen of curves zaha Hadid was British resident Irani architect. She uses geometry for creating flow in the architecture.

Its injustice if I do not code master architect Frank Lloyd Wright. This American architect is famous for designing organic buildings both commercial and non-commercial.


Lloyd design almost 1,000 buildings. In which 532 were constructed completely.

The world is populated with peoples and their large houses. And it is expensive to buy houses on your early carrier stage.

Mrs. Fan’s Plugin Houses are very famous in the current situation.  Fans design portable house which he can move from one place to other. One can install the house at any open space.

Mrs. fan belongs from a traditional china’s family background. Beijing is very populated area of china. Buying a land there is not easily affordable. After marriage he decide to move from that traditional family background to his own house, car and so on.

Plugin houses are thirty times less then spending on apartment. You can add plugin houses with any old house and create new space. Originally plugin houses were developed for courtyards. The concept of Houses with in houses. These houses are waterproof.

The most interesting innovation of plugin houses are that you can assemble it on your own. Plugin houses structure cannot block sunlight, air circulation, and views of the people next door.

sustainable textile is also introduced to the market.  Imagine you buy fabrics made up of your coffee ground waste. Textile industry is experimenting to solve the issue. As cotton and polyester is most used material of the world. The process of making cotton fabric Is quite harmful for the environment. Farmers are facing issues. According to WWF research 2.5 percent world arable land produce cotton.

S.Cafe of Taiwan’s textile company works on creating fabric with coffee. The yarn caries amazing indoor qualities. Easy to wash and dry. It gives ultra uv protection the customer.


SattarBuksh  famous coffee shop also works for sustainable future. Bukh introduce paper cups.

Air ink another project which is made through air pollution. Company install devices which captures air pollution. Then convert that pollution into safe, high-quality inks for artist.

Kaalink is a device which captures the soot and then remove heavy metals and carcinogens. And produce rich pigment. So, the end product is in form of marker and inks.

Fuller says : ” The best way to predict the future is to design it”.

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