Today we started from Graphic Novel and suggested website for this purpose is it’s amazing to search about any topic on this site. Although it has more than 40 thousand articles for reading and searching. Sir Aarish mentioned a novel : Munnu – A boy from Kashmir by a Cartoonist Malik Sajjad. Will read it because recommendations from our worthy mentor are superb.   

What a creative topic of today’s lecture Memes. Yes me too when think about it I focused to something funny, cartoonist style of satire, or a quick way of conveying a message. But in depth it has lots of meanings and options to think about. Like

What are these Memes?

Why are they become so popular?

What is their usage?

Who started work upon their creation?

Purpose behind these memes?

Impact on society and individuals?

Some words along with satirical image create an impact on our mind, may be its bad or good. But it leaves impression. I like such talks which have dual meanings and impressions. While discussing about Memes I saw many types of memes shared on different websites having lots of topics and issues discussed in it. Means its HALKA PHULKA TUK.

Memes are of both types static and video type.

It might be a comment. A style of discussion or conveying your opinion.

It’s a way of communication or publicity of any item or news.

Anyone can produce it through different meme generator sites. But I think there is a group who started working behind this in order to convey or gather the attraction of audience towards something special. Because few people read the news complete in the newspaper and same is the case very few of us listen whole bulletin of news. Almost all of us just focus on the headlines of news.   It depicts the mind set of audience. So the effort for the production of memes seems to be planned. And its variety of circulation of topics proves that yes it is helpful for both positive and negative news projection.

The Bhand – a comic performance in Pakistan and a book by Claire Pamment ; The Art of Juggat and lots of comedies by Moeen Akhter and many more things are there on this page.

Basically this may called a collaborative effort of our mind and artificial intelligence.

I created this one while looking at the image my first feeling about this image. I just write it. So it’s collaborative effort of my and artificial intelligence of internet.

We also look upon Articles of united nation which is a clear declaration of human rights. It has 30 articles which depict that everyone has right to show write and ask whatever he wants. While talking about restrictions we discussed that the flash drives are not allowed in air travel while if you have your laptop then you can go. So it means that restrictions didn’t work strong only to plan it properly and awareness is important.

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