I was bit excited about this subject earlier but after attending its first lecture in which lots of information and collection of data was discussed in such a familiar way that it seems too easy to learn new and creative things. Our search is obviously stuck with exploring upon internet because of the current critical lock down situation. That’s why we also missed the outdoor tours of Museums or any art display centers. So we visited the site Citizens Archive Pakistan at the National History Museum (Lahore), which shows another form of Art and artifacts. Then Craft is another very informative and supportive site for art lovers and researchers. A site I visited very first time and gained a lot of knowledge out of it.

 A very famous writer, cultural commentator and public speaker Ally Adnan was also discussed about his work on culture, history and arts. Qawwali is his specialty to talk and write about.

Then our tour moves towards Lourve Museum, Paris. It’s superb. In fact so helpful during these pandemic days for those who wants to have a visit of their 360 studios. Also in Pakistan a Fashion Show conducted which was captured with 360 camera. It was Prada Spring / summer 2018 Fashion Show. is also a site which is too versatile in it. I feels myself so lucky to know about it because it has lots of features related with research, archives, events, exhibitions, blog and many more. While exploring it more I saw lots of exhibitions done during last few months and many more are waiting to be exhibited in coming months which get postponed. One of my favorite technique was also there that’s why I explored it more. And it offers me limitless information to get.

Dynamic and static applications and their usages were also discussed in detail. I really not saw earlier this side of internet blogging. Actually I think that we are only using the things or information for our need and not exploring what is inside it more. This session give me an idea of exploration and research. Also the best possibilities and restrictions offered by any software. Like Facebook and instagram offers free of cost blogging and adding information to it but LinkedIn ask for payable services. These are also different aspects of technology. Basically we are discussing about the changes occurs in our lives after entering into the world of technology. Firstly it provide easiness at every possible stage that’s why we are penetrating in it more and more. is a website through which we can change the background of the picture. It’s an intelligent software which can detect where the figure is and which part is of background. I tried it after the lecture it offers lots of possibilities for a visitor and explorer. Basically in this vast world of internet we need to go to right direction then it will provide us lots of ways to dig in. is a superb site full of information about whatever era you want to know. Its very well organized site having timeline from Stone Age till date focusing on all the aspects of politics, war, construction, art, discoveries, literature etc. I wonder who collect all this data in such an organized way and then upload it in too easy way that anyone can search whatever he/she wants. It’s really amazing to know about it that I continuously keep searching onto this site to view the information shared. It’s just like a jiggle that open new doors for you all the time and you got amazed with it. What I learn about all these activities and knowing about all this information is that the world of technology is just like counting stars. Your capacity of skimming into it ends but this remains endless.

The two cool movies also came into discussion and suggested also to watch; Victoria and Abdul and The Black Prince. I didn’t get time to watch over it but wish to watch after getting free from my classes. But a site is too informative and helping in the regard of photography, Photoshop, graphic design, illustrators etc. After logging into it I visited lots of photography depicting different eras and thoughts.

The Missing Chapter came into discussion depicting racism where a picture of two black children is a good example of it. It shows their inner thoughts and willingness to be like that. Their dresses and confidence of what they are working is perfect. While it seems too old picture but full of meanings. Museums have such collection and also their online availability is admirable. All this make us think about our own culture and its artifacts. Where are those? Have we done something for its survival? Are we planning to do some sort of digital photographic album of our rich culture including architecture, historical artifacts, and many more? We know the technology is changing and improving on daily basis and without updating our data we will lose all our precious information. After watching these online museums, archives and the work done behind maintaining and updating all this data, I really appreciate the efforts of all the working hands behind. Because we can easily jump into any time period, personality, culture, life of any area and their art work. Which is to some extent a good way for depiction of different aspects of the particular time period. Just like by watching the image of those two black children we quickly jump into the mindset of that particular area.

So these tools and technologies are very much helpful for our expansion of knowledge and enhance learning management system. That in a single sitting I learned a lot and hopefully this elective will be a good initiative for my knowledge enhancement. Because being a painter and a fine arts teacher I have not more than essential information about such technologies which now I am realizing that it’s a very big flaw of my practice. And luckily I am at a stage to fulfill it. Thanks.

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