Holding the vision

Book illustration as we now know it evolved from early European woodblock printing. In the early 15th century, playing cards were created using block printing, which was the first use of prints in a sequenced and logical order. “The first known European block printings with a communications function were devotional prints of saints.”


1: Early 19th Century – Illustration History

2: Sixteenth Century – Heavenly Craft: The Woodcut in Early Printed

So I think graphic novel and comic books are a modern style of book illustration which was started from 15th century. it’s so interesting to modify with  basic roots. The  definition is “a fictional story that is presented in comic-strip format and published as a book”, while its simplest definition is given as “cartoon drawings that tell a story and are published as a book” . Graphic novels are longer than comic books. … Graphic novels contain complete narratives, whether or not they are part of a larger series. Comic books contain excerpts of serialized narratives. It can be difficult to read a comic book if you haven’t read the comic that comes directly before it in series. Harry Potter is a graphic novel .

Children and teen readers love graphic novels because of their easy-to-read mix of text and visual content. … Adult readers have discovered that graphic novels possess more depth than the comic books of their youth. In American and British usage, a type of text combining words and images—essentially a comic, although the term most commonly refers to a complete story presented as a book rather than a periodical.

A unit of cultural information, as a concept, belief, or practice, that spreads from person to person in a way analogous to the transmission of genes. A meme is a virally-transmitted photograph that is embellished with text that pokes fun at a cultural symbol or social idea. The majority of modern memes are captioned photos that are intended to be funny, often as a way to publicly ridicule human behavior.

 Like some dialogue of political personality make a fun and memes maker make them a meme.  Just for fun .                                          

 I am share an article link on human rights.  Which had 23 article for human. Universal Declaration of Human rights. http://www.verklaringwarenatuur.org/Downloads_files/Universal%20Declaration%20of%20Human%20Rights.pdf

Is it possible to have universal concept of human rights?

Are human rights universal? Yes. Human rights are inherent to all human beings solely because of being human, no matter where they live. Human rights originate in the equal dignity of all human beings and at the same time aim at protecting it. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

The freedom to vote was ranked as the most important human right in five of the eight countries. The United States values free speech as the most important human right, with the right to vote coming in third. The right to free school education and low-cost healthcare are considered a priority by most countries.

     Slow living style. This approach to life lived slowly does the usage of things such as mobile phones, Internet, and access to goods and services.

S = Sustainable – not having an impact

L = Local – not someone else’s patch

O = Organic – not mass-produced

W = Whole – not processed

I think its enough to understand slow living concept.

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