Souls under the sand….

Drawing room talks are another reality. We sit and over a cup of coffee we save half of the world…fortunately last year I got a chance to make our talks come to life, i was working on a project of empowering artisan. Thar …deep into the desert…my dream coming to reality ….arrived after 6 to 7 hours long drive to a small city, Adda Khalid (what a beautiful name for a brother in sindi) greeted us with a big smile….it was dusk time still can feel the sadness of the sun and how it was encompassing us . As we were headed to the women quarters there we were greeted by all the women of that area….they were so mesmerized by us….feeling our skins and saying how soft….my heart sank

Early morning we were off to go deep into the desert . Beautiful landscape….with you see barren land merging with the muddy sky. After two hours we stopped at a lake of salt water…little kids running towards us, with a hope in their eyes…

Finally reached the village a small community of muslims and hindus living together… after the greetings I asked to meet the artisans…a group of women malnourished came forward, all the talks and promises I had done to myself and friends started haunting me. A woman asked baji are you ok….i wanted to hug her feed her and her children…..Listen to their stories of how people have been taking their craft a source of income and months of hard work and not paying enough.

I was heartbroken lied down under the sky praying and thinking we have no idea when we talk, this is another reality ….

 Souls buried under the sand

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