Tools and technology

In this course of tools and technologies focus area of exploration is museum architect and galleries exhibitions.The core purpose  of joining this session is to explore and understand the existence and functions of modern museums and architectures as well as technology .The learning purpose of technology is to rapid growth and enhancement of art industries ,museums,with the latest digital technologies provide the platform for the people who wants to protect and show their culture production and crafts among the world. This step of changing our art industries takes alot of time period but we should use the digital era that have a huge amazing impact towards our culture .

Across multiple industries technology is delivering purpose  from the internet of things devices sustainability operations  that providing amazing technologies of infrastructures for today art networks and buildings.By visiting several websites and articles for the craft council ,online tours, are brilliant software of historiography provides the empowering growth of technology  that relates to museum, galleries and other artifact industries.

Reflection no 2:

Tools and technology in art education,provides The missing chapter -Black chronicles 1 that shared a wonderful case study of digital archive with attendees,providing the amazing knowledge that related to the reality.Virtual realities a really big trend in museums.Simply but VR places the user inside an experience.

It can be interactive or take the form of 360-degree video. VR is being used to create museum tours, make exhibits interactive, and to bring scenes to life. It can help curators to put objects in context and show their true scale.It can be interactive or take the form of 360-degree video. VR is being used to create museum tours, make exhibits interactive, and to bring scenes to life. It can help curators to put objects in context and show their true scale.

The VR headset allows people to feel as if they are stepping inside the painting. Visitors find themselves within the scene and can look around at the Hall of Mirrors from a 3D perspective. They can even speak with the Russian Emperor and other characters depicted in the painting. It is part of an exhibit detailing Finnish life and politics in the 1860s, under the Russian Empire.

In the UK, London’s Tate Modern has been embracing the VR trend too. Alongside their Modigliani retrospective in 2017/18, they created a fascinating VR exhibit. Visitors were able to experience complete immersion in a 3D model of the artist’s Paris studio.

video on virtual reality.

The local museum of Pakistan are platform where only the crafts ,artifacts and culture of Pakistan is displayed,there should be the use of virtual reality that public and private sectors freely join to collaborate the trusts and owner of the museums.Many public and private collections are reserved and stored in the museums to interact with the culture and its representations. I learned those terms and website which are very useful for the future use as well as for the sustainable operations.What I feel that many of our historical museums and galleries having empty vessels of technology They have to bring the digital technologies that appeal to our young generations .These young generations should take apart to enhance the development growth of our cultural heritage museums and galleries.

Explore a growing archive of images drawing from public and private collections who have contributed to the missing chapters: Black chronicle programmed since 2014.


An image,video or piece of text,etc typically in humorous in nature that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users often in slight variations.

Meme is normally defined a unit of carrying cultural ideas,symbols and creating a humor.

The term meme from the Greek mimema,meaning imitate was introduced in 1976 by British evolutionary Richard Dawkins in his work The selfish Gene.In the age of internet the term MEME has now taken on a new definition.Memes are described as cultural units, most often photos with caption text on the top and bottom,they are usually created with awareness of each other and circulated ,imitated,and transformed by users all over the internet.Nowadays memes spread,if they are funny rather than strictly useful,as behavioral usually did.Similarly only memes that are well suited to their audiences will go viral,or atleast become popular and widespread to reach it fame on global scale,while other remains unknown or relevant.

The purpose of meme is to communicate ,to get publicity,getting entertainment,breaking taboos,Jugat bazi current affairs ,including the specific individuals,saying difficult but honest thing that are easy to understand ,state must be having media wing which develops memes in particular issue.

Different websites and software’s have been developed to make different memes.Meme culture is prevading our generation.However not all memes that are made are not designed to go viral .What do all successful memes have common.Even though they are all unique,popular memes are tend to follow similar pattern in the characteristics they possess and the effects that they have on their audiences. The popularity and virality of meme also depends on likes ,shares,and retweets.

In order for a meme to have potential to go viral it should have a humor,simplicity and understandability .Memes can be served as a joke,serve as a copying mechanism,to spread awareness,or to communicate a sentiment.This is what all viral memes have in common,and the fulfillment of these specific criteria can predict the success of a certain meme.

Agenda based memes are those memes that are tend to do the things related to meme ,that are acquired to bring change towards society ,people behavior .However nowadays people are using these agenda based memes through the social media as it is a great power to spread things quickly.

Agenda based messages in which values and ideas are taken.Values are most fundamental principle,the ideas are so essential to our personal and national identities that violating them seems unthinkable.Leading with the facts and figure can reinforce an idea but it doesn’t do much to persuade particularly in the age of “fake news”.Leading with the values on the other hand,activate emotions and opens to the audience heart and ears to the message.

meme no 1 :The stigma of mental illness

I inspired from these two memes as nowadays many adults,and kids are facing these issues in the world. First your inner has to be in a positive situation , then your outer personality will do act in positive way to stop negative vibe.In our society as well as in homes many of people doing negative acts like bullying ,taunting, bad manners, and several activities they should be stopped to enhance and betterment of our growing youth.Their development should be important for all of us.So if we achieve the stages of beautiful growing phases instead of brutality and ignorance it did not leads to great activities like drugs,anxiety ,depression ,suicidal attempts etc.The growing era of our society need the therapy of creative activities from their parents as they are great source of achieving the positive life goals to change outer reality.


The whole world is facing this pandemic from December that leads to huge immense of deaths in European as well as in Asian countries.The purpose of this meme is to create awareness that if we do not take actions against Corona virus it leads to horrible deaths.Raising awareness’s apart of larger effort to drive social change.Pakistan is also under the umbrella of corona virus emergencies along 155 countries.Its very clear that we have a wide spread outbreak of COVID-19 and we all have to limit our movement and avoid gatherings to prevent spreading this further ,and the people who do not care about this situation they are facing the deaths in range of lacs. So people would have to work together to serving humanity and serving lives by breaking the chain of spread and ensure the safety of all by avoiding large gathering and by take caring of ourselves.

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