Tools of survival

Pakeeza Zaidi

Critical Response Paper

Date: 10th june 2020

Instructors: Arish Sardar-Ammar Faiz

Museums have been a place of formal and informal learning for people of all ages. They have created diverse innovative program for audiences of varied age groups to experience the cultural, historical, new discoveries and personal reflections. As we are becoming a global village, in the bargain we are losing certain sensibilities which are being replaced by the technology. Over the last decade all museums have started the online tours and educational programs. Now one can visit the archives and data base of any such place with a click of a button. It seems such an over whelming experience but some where we are losing the physical involvement.

This change of displaying the ark works and manifests with the tool of technology and the major shift in the public interactions is reshaping museums exhibitions, making room for some amazing works of art and technology mix through the lens of digital tool for making virtuality the new real. The information is at your finger click, but somewhere in this innovative medium the traditional artwork cannot be captured to its fullest, that’s why the fresh materials are introduced.

As the need of the hour we are engaging more into e-learning. The “Online learning has emerged as a field of practice largely due to technological developments allowing convenient asynchronous communication among learners “(Harasim, 1991). 

For Continuing professional development (CPD) digital tools have become the integral part of learning process. Using these tools enhances the digital skills which are and will be valued in the times to come. Below are the few tools which have importance in the process of digital growth.

Digital documentation:  are those that exist in electronic form. They may also exist in physical paper form, or they may exist exclusively in digital form. Digital documents may be stored on electronic media, such as hard drives, iCloud servers, exabyte tape or any manner of electronic media.

Digital notebook: “is the digital analog to a paper notebook. It is the space for student inquiry, thinking, and brainstorming, reflecting, taking notes, collecting clippings of text, and synthesizing information from disparate online sources”

 Journals /Online diaries: “is a periodical publication which is published in electronic format”

*Audio and video journals:

 Reflective blogging: “an account of your work  more essentially an opportunity for reflection on the learning experience”.

  Podcasting: “A digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device . These are few tool which make the foundation of digital technology tools”.

We as professional (from diverse backgrounds) are encouraged to learn and engage our practices through the use of these technologies which will lead us to better and enhanced practices. The technology tools provide us to reflect and explore the newer possibilities of communicating and providing a frame work to engage and benefit from these practices and to improve the learning experiences.

We are in the middle of a intense social and economic transformation that has been catalyzed by advances in computerization and artificial intelligence The impact of these technologies influenced nearly every sector of our world, affecting a wide range of occupations. As with these industrial revolutions, our society and occupations have brought many benefits to the society.

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